I went to Stockholm but it didn't turn out the way I expected... Linn couldn't go to Hootchy Kootchy because she had to work, but she went out with me on the Thursday instead of Caroline who had become sick. We ended up at the sleazy bar we love best. Her friends were going to come but they never showed up. And then Linn had to go home. Some other people took me under their wings. One of them fell deeply in love with me... Or rather, she wanted to have sex with me.
Her friend wanted to follow this guy who had a studio, he was a total asshole, trying so badly to be cool. Aaaah, talk to the hand! He hated me too, ha ha. Then I threw up on the sidewalk. Talk about making an impression. The girl had to follow her friend because you can't let a friend go alone with a "guy with studio", ha ha. She asked for my number but she didn't call. Maybe it's for the best. When it comes to girl sex, you can't just lay back and think of England. I'm going to be the next virgin Mary...

I went out the next day again. I tried to party with a cat I met in a park, but he was a bit restless. I went to my favourite club and had a great time, howled along in London Calling and danced with a guy who did badass ice-skating moves with me. I screamed, ha ha.

I don't know if this blouse is horrible or not... Maybe horrible in the right kind of way?

Then one of the bouncers told me to get out and get some fresh air. I should know what that means by now, but nooo. Anyway, they wouldn't let me in again, told me to go home. But I had to get my bag and my jacket back. They were like "It's not our problem, you don't know where it is anyway, and we have other things to do than to look for your stuff". What the hell? Now they were just being evil.
So I stood there for a while, trying to look innocent and relaxed, and then I just ran for it, threw myself through the door. GERONIMO! Unfortunely I fell down the stairs and hit my head. They found me on the loo. "I'm trying to pee here" I said. They let me do that. Then they told me that I should go to the hospital to get stitched up. Now they were almost acting human. Weird. "Was it worth it?" one of them asked. "I don't think like that" I said. It's true. At least more often than not. Why the hell should I regret that or anything else? I spent the night at the hospital, waiting for my turn. The nurses were on a strike, lucky me. Finally they stitched me up and I was free to go at 8 in the morning.

The last of April is a big deal in Uppsala. Which means insane amounts of alcohol and teenagers lying passed out in the parks, or something like it. Pathetic. I met up with J-Lo and some other people from school. They had started drinking at 11 in the morning. I wasn't really up for anything like that. But I had some wine and had fun.
Although I started to feel quite bitter and pissed off. I wasn't that comfortable with those people. Hell, they can be a pain in the ass. Friends are supposed to support you, not put you down. I love harsh jokes but there are some buttons you shouldn't push. And you should damn well learn what those buttons are when you get to know people. I just felt that I wanted to be somewhere else, that this was superficial and stupid. I just wanted a hug.

They're blonde... What can I say?
I should have stayed at home when they went out, because I was terribly sober (almost), hungry and felt sick. I went out anyway. We went to this horrible mainstream place that gave me the creeps. And the others were a pain in the ass because they were drunk. Nothing worse than people telling you to "cheer up". I threw up instead. I forced myself. And my stomach felt a bit better so I didn't want to die anymore. Then I lost everyone.
Malin found me and started dragging me around, digging her long sharp fingernails into my shoulder whenever she wanted my attention. She asked me if I didn't want to flirt with some guys. She thought she should teach me. I wanted to run away screaming. People say that alcohol leads to violence, but try going out sober and see if you can stay away from killing someone.
J-Lo was pathetic and wanted to pick a fight with some guys, but we managed to get him out. Then Malin realised that she had hung her jacket on the same hanger as a girl in our company, who was no longer with us. So we needed to find her before we could go home. It took like 30 minutes. Stupid!!! Then J-Lo and Malin wanted to go to another place, the rest of us went to eat something and then we had to call J-Lo and beg him to take us home. But they had to finish their beers first. Oh, the pain...
We watched Battlestar Galactica the next day. I got seriously hooked up. I borrowed the disc set and watched the whole season except two episodes on the train home. Now I'm downloading the second season until I catch up with the reruns on TV. Well, it's nice to have something to live for...

Starbuck is my new role model.

And what can I say about Lee Adama? Well... HE'S HOT!

aw yes that is the best gift a cute lil drawing for the mama.
and byb the way Lee iss....ahhhmm.. WOW HOT!