Here's my new set, now go have a look and tell me how much it sucks.

I've had some fun lately. I visited Linn at her house in the woods. She practically asked me to move in there, and yeah, I thought about it, but... I want to live in Stockholm. Sure, I could stay in her house for a while and just hang out whilte trying to get back to Stockholm. But I don't mind being with my parents and my cat either. Well, perhaps we're better apart. It's weird that I used to hate her. And she never knew what was wrong. But I have to follow my feelings and my current feelings towards here are that I like her, so there you go. She's quit drinking by the way. Just like that. Good for her but bad for me. But she'll still join me to the Hootchy Kootchy Club.


Fuck you Astrid Lindgren!

I'm such a dork.

I was at a network meeting for female chimney sweeps this weekend. It was great to meet others, although surely they thought I was weird. I felt a bit out of place. We're only like 25 females out of 1400 chimney sweeps in Sweden, that's just... Well. You can't see the forest for all the cocks! They talked about how they always had to work harder and show that they were just as good, that customers used to be assholes, the guys at work who didn't even look up to say hi... Hell, I've had enough trouble coping with the work itself, I don't need that sexist crap on top of that. Well, we had some beers in the eveining and had a good time. This weird reggae/ska/salsa band played in the bar, it was the greatest thing I've ever heard. I even got up and danced, shy as I am. It neraly killed me.

Hungover at the hotel room, a pathetic sight indeed.
Next day I went looking for my driving license renewal form in my old mailbox in the industrial area where I used to live before I got fired. But it wasn't there. Then I was going to take the commuter train and was accused for faking my sms ticket. I don't like getting shit when I've actually paid. Then I met up with Caroline, we were going to see a movie. First we were kidnapped by some people who wanted us to take a servey about different mobile brands. I didn't know what to say, I don't know shit about new technique. My mobile phone belongs in a museum. That's how bad it is.
As if that wasn't enough, Carolines mother called and was angry that she had wrecked the computer. Or rather, the computer wrecked itself while she happened to sit in front of it. So she had to come home and fix it. She didn't dare to take me home either. But I had nowhere to sleep. It was really weird. I mean, I can imagine that her mother is a bit bitchy, but she's not a monster. Well, I ended up booking a bed at a hostel on a ship.
Then I went to look at this collective house. I was there a year ago and thought it was paradise on earth. Now I wasn't that sure. I felt kind of ignored. They didn't really interview me, it was a bit weird. And it's only for two months so it's not really worth it. If I get it I have to look for a job nearby and stuff. It's really best to find a job first and then find a place to stay. What the hell.
It was really a bliss to have a bed to sleep in, I had dreaded to have to go out to a club and then trying to find an afterparty. Now I was free to sleep. It's sort of nice to be a tourist in your own city. The next day I went attack shopping. It was a hit and run, short and painless. Yay!

View from the window.

Let's search and destroy, shall we?
I should look for a job, especially as I know where to look. But it's kind of nice to hide away here with my family instead of sticking my ass out there and get rejected. It's nice to get a job, but then you'll have to keep it, and even if you do you will make a shitload of mistakes and make a fool out of yourself sooner or later. I'm so fucking sensitive, damn it.
I try to stop looking at boring sets, but it's easier said than done. I end up looking at most sets if they are not utter garbage. I feel like Simon Cowell. "That was just forgettable!" A while ago I almost had an allergic reaction to all the boring boring boring bed sets that went up. But I should be thankful, it's not as if I'm losing control of my favourites since they are so few. There have been some great sets lately too of course. Beau, Annika, Nixon, Annisa, Steller, Bexi... Hope that Nemesis' latest set goes live.
Tomorrow at the writing meeting people will tell me how great I am, and then I'll say "Well thank you, you suck!"

i love your set so much! it's tons of fun! 

Love the new set. In particular, shots 13, 16, 19, and 29. I can't wait to see you go pink.