I miss Linzy. She's one of my very best friends,
and I havent seen her in a month since I moved,
because she's popping out a baby boy in a few
And its most exciting!
She just txtd me and said:
"Yano the cops on Superbad?
I think thats what u and i would
be like if we were cops together lol"
So fucking true.

Linzy is two years older than me, but when we
were in Highschool we'd wag school together,
and we would have sleep overs with our
fantastic gay friend Daniel. The three of us
would "sneak out", but not to parties like the
cool kids, we'd hop on bikes and bike around
the abandoned hospital laughing madly, and
chasing each other. We climbed churches,
and sat of the roofs, talking shit. Awh..
I miss those days. They were the best
days of my teen-hood by FAR.
I found some old photos of us:
Linzy, and I. I think I was about.. 17 in this photo.
I dont even have my chest tats in this one!

Jasmines 16th. Im 15 in this one! Its nuts.

Linzy in the bathroom
She's a spaz.

I love my best friends

I've decided to share some of my happiest
moments ever, so far. (not in order).
1. Becoming best friends with my Mum.
2. Visiting Aussie, when I was younger.
3. Getting my first tattoo.
4. Losing my virginity to my boyfriend when
I was 15, and being lucky enough to never
regret it, and Im still friends with him now.
5. Kicking a scary drunk guy in the face when
I was 15, because he wouldnt leave my best
friend Nikita alone, and giving him a black eye.
6. Kissing my frist girl crush.
7. Getting high for the first time.
8. Working at McDonalds for 2yrs.
(seriously! had the time of my life.)
9. Getting my drivers licence, and my
very first car - 1986 Nissan Bluebird.
10. Falling in love with Jamie.
(by far my favorite moment ever.)
11. Adopting an abused kitten.
12. Staying up late at Chelseas
with her and Josie.
13. Seeing Nine Inch Nails live, being
right at the front!
14. Roadtrip to Blossom Festival, when
I was 16, with two car loads of friends.
(one of those friends passed away last
year, in a car accident, he was such an
awesome guy, we all had fun that weekend).
15. My first date with Olivia. And every
Olivia moment following.. that girl is like
crack to me. Her love is a drug!
16. Running around the streets
completely naked on New Years.
17. Spending every weekend between
the age of 15 - 17 with Linzy and Daniel.
18. My surprise 20th, at Olivias.
19. Duke street parties, on acid.
20. Moving to a new city.
Good times.
Such a pretty day. Im going to the beach,
then might come home, get high and watch
the Boosh. (my favorite hobbie atm
Whats been one of your happiest moments?
and I havent seen her in a month since I moved,
because she's popping out a baby boy in a few

She just txtd me and said:
"Yano the cops on Superbad?
I think thats what u and i would
be like if we were cops together lol"
So fucking true.

Linzy is two years older than me, but when we
were in Highschool we'd wag school together,
and we would have sleep overs with our
fantastic gay friend Daniel. The three of us
would "sneak out", but not to parties like the
cool kids, we'd hop on bikes and bike around
the abandoned hospital laughing madly, and
chasing each other. We climbed churches,
and sat of the roofs, talking shit. Awh..
I miss those days. They were the best
days of my teen-hood by FAR.
I found some old photos of us:
Linzy, and I. I think I was about.. 17 in this photo.
I dont even have my chest tats in this one!

Jasmines 16th. Im 15 in this one! Its nuts.

Linzy in the bathroom

I love my best friends

I've decided to share some of my happiest
moments ever, so far. (not in order).
1. Becoming best friends with my Mum.
2. Visiting Aussie, when I was younger.
3. Getting my first tattoo.
4. Losing my virginity to my boyfriend when
I was 15, and being lucky enough to never
regret it, and Im still friends with him now.
5. Kicking a scary drunk guy in the face when
I was 15, because he wouldnt leave my best
friend Nikita alone, and giving him a black eye.
6. Kissing my frist girl crush.
7. Getting high for the first time.
8. Working at McDonalds for 2yrs.
(seriously! had the time of my life.)
9. Getting my drivers licence, and my
very first car - 1986 Nissan Bluebird.
10. Falling in love with Jamie.
(by far my favorite moment ever.)
11. Adopting an abused kitten.
12. Staying up late at Chelseas
with her and Josie.
13. Seeing Nine Inch Nails live, being
right at the front!
14. Roadtrip to Blossom Festival, when
I was 16, with two car loads of friends.
(one of those friends passed away last
year, in a car accident, he was such an
awesome guy, we all had fun that weekend).
15. My first date with Olivia. And every
Olivia moment following.. that girl is like
crack to me. Her love is a drug!
16. Running around the streets
completely naked on New Years.
17. Spending every weekend between
the age of 15 - 17 with Linzy and Daniel.
18. My surprise 20th, at Olivias.
19. Duke street parties, on acid.
20. Moving to a new city.

Such a pretty day. Im going to the beach,
then might come home, get high and watch
the Boosh. (my favorite hobbie atm

Whats been one of your happiest moments?
one of my happiest moments is reconnecting with my father after not talking to him for 5 years
I want some LSD
Have to wait a while for my herculaen haul to get here though.