so yesterday my 11 month old had a minor abdominal procedure done. Worse feeling that I have ever felt for the whole day. Checked in a 7 and did pre ops. We waited in the family play room for what seemed like an eternity. Then came the part where they rolled him away. Hardest thing I have ever been through. I felt helpless. We then have to wait in the waiting room. About 1hr an a half went by and I see our doctor come out. And he tells us all is well and we can see him. All is well and surgery went well. But from the helpless feeling I went into an anxiety /chest pain/light headed state for the time. Even hours and hours after getting home. I could feel my chest feeling like it was tied in a knot. I feel blessed knowing my child only had to have a minor procedure done. But I have no idea how parents deal with more major things. My parents had to sit 8hrs through my brain surgery. I have no idea how they managed that
Awh its so difficult when your child gets put under anesthetic! :( My daughter has had various surgeries, I remember her first when she was 1 and a half.... Longest 4 hours in a waiting room I have ever experienced! Felt like a lifetime! My daughter has had 4 since birth and she is 8 now and I know she will have many more, it never gets any easier :( Hope your baby is okay and has healing well and doesn't have to go through it again! <3
It was just a hernia repair and some other small stuff. Hopefully this will be the only surgery he will need. I don't know how you do it. Also part of a "guilt" thing I felt too. Seeing all the other parents with children with more serious issues. Ours seemed minor. But it's still my kid. And well you know.