why is it that when ever i go out for sushi i end up paying for other people? tonight i had 2 rolls and 2 beers and i ended up paying $50 for sushi. that always seems to happen.

today was crazy. it all started with me waking up at 8:05 for a 9:15 flight. that ended up etting delayed and i had to run...
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Sushi? I have miso in my pantry in a packet soon to be in my tummy.
i have been soooooo busy the last week. thank god I get to take it easy for a couple of days. I just have to hang out and get ready to go on the road for the next month. I fly to LA on thursday i get to be there for 3 whole days maybe I'll get some surfing in! yhis isn't very exciting. Soon...
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I'll see what i can do for you there!
i will anxiously await the tales of R. Savage, one armed wonderboy. smile
soooooooooooo tired. been working non stop on the big rock show. i have however had a chance to make it to a couple of decent bars miracously enough and the question of the day is where is the better white trash; Texas, or Tennessee
I get to go on the road with Def Leppard! God bless the 80's!
why am i awake at this god awful hour? this is normaly a time to be going to sleep on a saturday morning not a time to get up.

now i need to find somthing to do for the rest of the day. i guess for now i'll just have to check out more sg's
i'm in nashville currently and there is no lone star so i'm drinking PBR tall boys tonight. isn't beer a wonderfull thing?
unless it's on it's way back up.
the fire alarm is going off where i am at and it is just completely annoying. i think that some moe thought that it would be funny. how come so many people are so stupid. i am so glad that i recently stumbled accross this site to see that there are still normal people left in this world!
read my journal for the answer to life's questions.
could anything less happen to one person?
just wait until you're dead! boy, do i have some tricks up my sleeves for ya then!
Why can't Lone Star Beer be available everywhere?
and what do you call hot dogs before you heat them up?