Thursday Jul 09, 2009 Jul 9, 2009 0 Facebook Tweet Email aNother friend is getting married.. Silly people!!!!!!!!!! VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS wsoxfan: What you're looking for will happen for you eventually. You're too good of a person not to get snapped up by the right woman. Jul 9, 2009 lizaeth: I'd rather go flying with superman. I never wanted to get married. Now I am thinking that it might be nice. Althought I don't know if I am marriable anymore. I have sort of become terminally single. Ya know what I mean. Jul 11, 2009
I never wanted to get married. Now I am thinking that it might be nice. Althought I don't know if I am marriable anymore. I have sort of become terminally single. Ya know what I mean.