This was part of a letter I wrote to a friend as a tongue and cheek essay to win her over. She was having me turn in a resume and this essay. Hahahahaha Yeah I am a dork and had way to much time.
What is a Relationship?
It would be easy to cop out and give you the definition that Noah Webster wrote years ago but that doesnt do justice to the complexity of the relationship. Many People have tried to sum it up in just a few words but as beautiful as these words are:
"Have you never met a woman who inspires you to love?
Until your every sense is filled with her? You inhale her.
You taste her. You see your unborn children in her eyes and know that your
heart has at last found a home.
Your life begins with her, and without her it must surely end."
Don Juan DeMarco
they still do not encompass the extent of a romantic relationship. So then the question that must be answered is: What is a romantic relationship?
I have been asked to write on a topic that has been the subject of some of the greatest pieces of art ever produced by man. I think it would best be approached if it is broken down into the smaller yet hugely important pieces.
Love is one of the most difficult substances of the relationships to get a good grasp on. The four little letters strung together have many different meanings to every one. What Don Juan saw as love my be different from what Captain Corelli meant when he uttered these words:
"When you fall in love, it is a temporary madness.
It erupts like an earthquake, and then it subsides.
And when it subsides, you have to make a decision.
You have to work out whether your roots are become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part."
Captain Corelli
The reason that this part of the relationship is so difficult is because it involves the most passion. People become very passionate when talking about passion. It is difficult to hear that our version of love is not the definition that the world dances too. From the time I have spent basking in the splendor of it I can honestly say I have no idea what love is. I can only say that I have figured out that for me love is what you feel that allows you to see that person for who they are and yet you still feel that your world just isnt as wonderful when they are not there.
What is a Relationship?
It would be easy to cop out and give you the definition that Noah Webster wrote years ago but that doesnt do justice to the complexity of the relationship. Many People have tried to sum it up in just a few words but as beautiful as these words are:
"Have you never met a woman who inspires you to love?
Until your every sense is filled with her? You inhale her.
You taste her. You see your unborn children in her eyes and know that your
heart has at last found a home.
Your life begins with her, and without her it must surely end."
Don Juan DeMarco
they still do not encompass the extent of a romantic relationship. So then the question that must be answered is: What is a romantic relationship?
I have been asked to write on a topic that has been the subject of some of the greatest pieces of art ever produced by man. I think it would best be approached if it is broken down into the smaller yet hugely important pieces.
Love is one of the most difficult substances of the relationships to get a good grasp on. The four little letters strung together have many different meanings to every one. What Don Juan saw as love my be different from what Captain Corelli meant when he uttered these words:
"When you fall in love, it is a temporary madness.
It erupts like an earthquake, and then it subsides.
And when it subsides, you have to make a decision.
You have to work out whether your roots are become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part."
Captain Corelli
The reason that this part of the relationship is so difficult is because it involves the most passion. People become very passionate when talking about passion. It is difficult to hear that our version of love is not the definition that the world dances too. From the time I have spent basking in the splendor of it I can honestly say I have no idea what love is. I can only say that I have figured out that for me love is what you feel that allows you to see that person for who they are and yet you still feel that your world just isnt as wonderful when they are not there.
I like those quotes on love. I've tried to find solace/reassurance in the poetry of Rilke and Algernon Charles Swinburne on such subjects in the last few years.