I think I have hit the cynical over load point when it comes to love. I know it exist but I don't care. Wow life seems easier that way. It has allowed me to come up with 3 dates next week. Haha I was wondering what toll this last relationship was going to take. So interesting to accept things for what they are rather than looking for more. Hahaha the funny part is I was the guy who brought flowers for no other reason than the sun came up. Hahaha that reminds me of a seminar I was at. The speaker asked all the women how many of you want a kind man who is willing to show his emotions. The majority raised their hands and he told them they all lied. He then had 2 men come to the front and had one put his head on the others shoulder and allow the guy to hold him and rock him. All the women laughed and giggled. The speaker then said this proves my point. These men are being vunerable and y'all are laughing at them and telling them emotions are wrong. Hahaha
Hmm, that is very interesting. See, I have taken over the group and there is a whole slew of people that have been banned and I, myself, find it hard to believe that anyone would be banned from the group. Were you ever a member? Do you want to be a member? I'll unban you.
Alright. Then you shall be.