So this week was nothing much to talk about. I have been boring lately. I have been bored lately. I am starting to get wanderlust again. I need to head out some place. Just go until I don't know anyone or anything. Some times I just feel like getting away. Just taking off and making a run for it. I don't know why but I do. It is such a horrible feeling of being trapped. At the same time I want someone to say "stop, Don't go come sit here next to me and just relax. Everything will be ok. Just breath." Yeah there is no reason for this feeling but damn it is there.
5 weeks

Getting a little tired of that.
remember we can learn from Each situation we live. even the pain is exquisite... but one day is time to let it go.
darling, thanks for your words, really, ..let me share my way to see the world with you.