so... moving is perhaps one of the most tiring experiences ever and it is still 3 days until the movers come. i have had some wonderful help from 2 very butch boys but when the time comes to start working solo, like last night, i get really lonely and frustrated... i have decided that i am a horrible painter... red is the world's hardest color to paint... so i still have the follow things to do: red trim (twice), 2nd coat of red in kitchen and hallway, the living room in 2 colors, my bedroom trim, cleaning the horrendous bathroom, caulking and patching the tub/sink, sand front door and paint it... rig electric for the living room... AHHHHH! i have until friday morning to get it all done... oh yeah, and i haven't packed my old house yet... i think perhaps i should take thursday off from work... now i have overwhelmed myself... grrrrr. if anyone is bored and wants pizza, beer and other drinks... give me a call or message and come on down... if not, have a good week and maybe i'll talk to yall soon after then insanity has ended.....

Keep it together, and above all, don't forget to just take a step back and breathe.
see you friday....