so, despite any number of things that could have gone wrong... all is alright in the world today.... i cleaned my office and organized everything at work, which cleared my head a little bit (and has inspired me to spend my weekend doing the same for my car and house)... my day was lovely and seemed shorter thanks to a certain xtoongrlx taking off of work for the day and coming to eat lunch with me and bringing me flowers... now my work day is almost done and it is the one night where i can just hang out and relax a little bit... too bad i'm so tired from staying in the printmaking studio making derby shirts until 12:30am or i would go out and have a little fun.... new derby shirts! they say, "talk derby to me" and underneath that "penn jersey she devils roller derby" ... two styles...

What do they call that when you organize your enviroment to improve your mood? Feng Shoy? Fin Shoot? Foo Fighters? Well, you know what I mean.

I like when you call me sweet things......please do it as much as possible. I swoon.