sometimes i don't realize just how lucky i am or how happy i should be due to all of the static that surrounds my daily life... sometimes it takes a lot to make me realize this and sometimes it can be one line someone types about flowers in my bedroom.... it is the littlest things that mean the most... so here i am... i am at work, i am sick with a cold, my teeth aren't healing well so my oral surgeon says 4-5 days without physical activity, i have a million things to do but all of that just kind of disappeared... so thank you to the person who caused my smiles and thank you to anyone who can take over someone's sadness or frustration and turn it into optimism and happiness, if only for a little while... believe me, you give more to those people than you'll ever know... and to the person who has consistently done this for me since the moment i met her.... thank you in every way.

I will say talking about derby does get me going. Maybe not in the way the person might want... but stil. I love it.