does anyone wanna hook it up with a job? i will love you forever.
yesterday me and my friend jon went to the carnival parked outside the mall to take pictures.
i shot my pictures on film and i don't really have the money to got them developed right away. i'll show you some good ones later though.
i never thought it was possible but im starting to miss my home town. i think i'm gonna visit good ol' college station, and see how those fuckers are doing. alive, well and drunk, i'm sure.

yesterday me and my friend jon went to the carnival parked outside the mall to take pictures.

i shot my pictures on film and i don't really have the money to got them developed right away. i'll show you some good ones later though.
i never thought it was possible but im starting to miss my home town. i think i'm gonna visit good ol' college station, and see how those fuckers are doing. alive, well and drunk, i'm sure.

as austen put it, "that's me in a nutshell".
really loving the photos from your carny trip. but can't wait for the slr versions.... i'm analogue like that.