I typed out a whole new blog with all I had been up to since my last one and my hard-drive decided to die before I could post it. So here is another long overdue blog. Now that I have a new hard-drive, if this is anything like my last laptop, I should have another 2 years before I need to get a new laptop.
In my last blog I mentioned that a local tattoo artist that I wanted to get work from had a cancelation so I made an appointment for a consultation. Since he didn't have anyone else planned we started my half sleeve.
I love all of my tattoos but this one by far is my absolute favorite. It's so incedibly detailed I just love it so much! I can't wait until February when I have my next sessions.
One of my favorite bands came to town but instead of going to see them, I went to my coworkers wedding which was so beautiful. The owner of our shop got certified and was the one to marry them which is pretty cool.
The next outing that my coworkers and I had was to the North Georgia Fair.
I rode a few rides and had a lot of fun, but the highlight of day was being able to not only see wolves in person but I had the oppournity to hold a young Eastern Timberwolf for a photo.
Bought a bundle package from Trivium and it was delivered the day their album was released so it was a happy suprise to come home to after a long day at work. An amazing album just like all their others. I also have a new bandana, fitted shirt, and autographed cd sleeve along with the new hoodie I'm wearing in the photo.
My shoot with NoRegretsPhoto came and we ended up shooting in a nearby park from her hotel.
It had been a long time since I've done an outdoor shoot so I had a lot of fun. We only had a few issues. I had to cover up when a mother was walking by with her kids and their dogs and some man saw us shooting by the parking area, since that was the only clear space from the walking trails, and he purposly parked right next to us and tried to be sneaky about watching by standing directly behind the photographer which made us both uncomfortable. Plus I had my pants laying on the curb and he picked them up and asked if they belonged to us. Rosie got him to go away and we quickly finished the shoot and left. Hopefully for my next shoot outdoors no one will be around because that is definetely something that I don't want to experience again.
One of my coworkers and I went to see Boruto, which only played in a few places for a limited time.
A very diverse crowd with young and old on top of a variety of different nationalities. The theatre that we attended was small and there weren't a ton of people there so it was nice. No one really talked during the movie except for when it ended and we were watching what happened after the credits which shocked everyone. One guy even jumped up and almost fell over the seat in front of him. After the movie we were talking about this DVD bundle that Crunchyroll was offering and decided to go half on it. It came in the mail a few days ago, so on our day off we had pizza from my favorite place and then went through it and devided up the DVD's. The ones on the right are the ones I chose, the left is what was left that I'm holding onto.
We both decided that if we went half on a bundle again we would go with something other than DVD's. Even though it was a great deal, there weren't any complete seasons along with a few that were just commentary and not actual episodes. There were only a few animes that we were familiar with.
Well I'll end this blog for now with a few shots from my more recent Zivity sets.
Reminiscence of You
Team Yoshi
If you'd only ask me
Float On
All shot by the wonderful, KramerStudios
Sorry for any misspellings, I wrote everything out in WordPad and didn't see a spell check :-p I hope everyone has been doing well.
~Teva ♥