Despite all of the crazy occurrences in Georgia that I’m sure most of you have heard about (snow, sleet storms, rain and even earthquakes!), and missed work days due to it, this month has been pretty great. Especially this week as I received the proofs from my shoot last month with @scottsmallin,
learned that I would be getting two checks this week and that I’m receiving a late raise to go along with being at my job for one year. My third raise since being there! Though, my coworkers and I weren't able to go back to Cataloochee so my dream of learning to snowboard will be postponed until next snow season. If I had my own board I could have easily just slid down my street since it became a big slab of ice during the ice storm last week.
I've never really be into Valentine’s Day as I’m usually single, I just look forward to the following day when all of the candy goes on sale. I spent the holiday at work, which was pretty busy not only because of V-day but also because everyone was happy to get out of their houses after being told by the major to stay off the roads unless it was absolutely necessary so the roads could be treated without obstructions. Afterwards I picked up a Nana’s special (spinach and mushroom) deep dish pizza from my favorite pizza place and enjoyed the bag of candy that I got from my manager.
In my free time I've been reading, catching up on the animes that I’m watching and playing my new favorite game Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance which my little one likes to TV block.
I also went to Barns and Noble to use up some gift cards and with both combined I had the exact amount needed to not have to pay a dime.
I’m still keeping up with getting out more as a few of my coworkers and I are going to go hiking. I've been wanting to find some nice nature trails so I’m definitely looking forward to it. Next month 3 days before my birthday I’ll be getting an old tattoo covered up and possibly achieving another goal of mine, learning to drive a manual. I've always felt it’s a good skill to have plus it expands my options if/when I get another car. I keep the maintenance up on my current one and it’s still running strong with no major problems so I’ll just see how many more miles I can get out of it.
I hit the 100k mile mark not too long ago which is sort of making me question my trip to Ohio on top of if I still want to use the artist I contacted.
Well that’s all I can think of for what I've been up to this month, hopefully the weather will stop being so flip floppy and I can do more shoots next month and hopefully I'll hear back from @pthalo about the sets we shot last year so I can show some teasers.. I’m off to be wooed to sleep by the owl outside of my window. Take care everyone!
~Teva ♥