Virus: an organism that feeds on a host organism. Self replicating to the point of infestation until the host is bled dry of all resources and eventually expires.
Humans: Bipedal mamals that feed on the destruction of their host and themselves. Reproducing to the point of infestation until the host is bled dry of all resources and eventually expires.
The human race is in fact a virus. We breed,pollute,destroy and feed from our host which will eventually run out of resources and cease to exsist. Diesease and natural disasters are nothing more than defense mechanisms put forth by our eco system (host) in order to protect itself from infestation just the same as your antibodies fight to stave off infection. It's hard to see a turning point in this.(if it hasn't already gotten past the point of repair.) especially when you consider the fact that it is human nature to destroy. It's our instinct. Our Drive. Not only do we destroy everything around us, we also destroy our own kind. Including ourselves. We breath, We eat, We breed and teach our young to destroy as well. They are bred on destruction. You can bitch about a "lost generation" when the simple fact is that this lost generation is just an evolved form of it's predecessor. Just as a virus evolves to thrive over it's enviornment, we have evolved into more efficent killers, more efficent destroyers. We lose care and remorse just as quickly as the second hand runs on a clock. Our children and our childrens children will most likley be no exception. We are more than animals. we have progressed to a higher understanding. but at the same time, we are less than animals. An animal has a basic intellect. Caring about the survival of itself, and sometimes about the survival of itself and it's pack. It takes what it needs to live and it's actions are benifical and hardly ever destructive on a permenant level. The human race on the other hand deals with more than just mere survival. They take all they can wether it's needed or not. they have no problem stepping on the backs of their peers in order to achieve a "better life" or to climb the social brackets. Who has the faster car? who has nicer clothes? Who's house is bigger? How many of these individuals actually gained this without having to step on a few backs? how many dirty deals were made before they got the corporate limo? I don't recall ever hearing about a virus feeding on it's own kind, but then again we are the most efficent life forms on earth. I apologize for such a negative outlook on humanity. though I can't help but see it. I see it even in myself. I know somewhere in the back of your minds you have seen it too. So is there a soloution? When does it end? My answer, until i am shown otherwise is: no. there is no soloution. It will only end in extinction. Wether it is the end of our species or our host I'm not sure. The effects will be about the same as far as we're concerned. We Consume We Grow We Destroy We Breed. End of story.-me
They never knew what hit them and it was chaotic and uncontrolable.
it was pure written evil, it's the cor o' the soul.
they were never ready for us anyway. -doc
Humans: Bipedal mamals that feed on the destruction of their host and themselves. Reproducing to the point of infestation until the host is bled dry of all resources and eventually expires.
The human race is in fact a virus. We breed,pollute,destroy and feed from our host which will eventually run out of resources and cease to exsist. Diesease and natural disasters are nothing more than defense mechanisms put forth by our eco system (host) in order to protect itself from infestation just the same as your antibodies fight to stave off infection. It's hard to see a turning point in this.(if it hasn't already gotten past the point of repair.) especially when you consider the fact that it is human nature to destroy. It's our instinct. Our Drive. Not only do we destroy everything around us, we also destroy our own kind. Including ourselves. We breath, We eat, We breed and teach our young to destroy as well. They are bred on destruction. You can bitch about a "lost generation" when the simple fact is that this lost generation is just an evolved form of it's predecessor. Just as a virus evolves to thrive over it's enviornment, we have evolved into more efficent killers, more efficent destroyers. We lose care and remorse just as quickly as the second hand runs on a clock. Our children and our childrens children will most likley be no exception. We are more than animals. we have progressed to a higher understanding. but at the same time, we are less than animals. An animal has a basic intellect. Caring about the survival of itself, and sometimes about the survival of itself and it's pack. It takes what it needs to live and it's actions are benifical and hardly ever destructive on a permenant level. The human race on the other hand deals with more than just mere survival. They take all they can wether it's needed or not. they have no problem stepping on the backs of their peers in order to achieve a "better life" or to climb the social brackets. Who has the faster car? who has nicer clothes? Who's house is bigger? How many of these individuals actually gained this without having to step on a few backs? how many dirty deals were made before they got the corporate limo? I don't recall ever hearing about a virus feeding on it's own kind, but then again we are the most efficent life forms on earth. I apologize for such a negative outlook on humanity. though I can't help but see it. I see it even in myself. I know somewhere in the back of your minds you have seen it too. So is there a soloution? When does it end? My answer, until i am shown otherwise is: no. there is no soloution. It will only end in extinction. Wether it is the end of our species or our host I'm not sure. The effects will be about the same as far as we're concerned. We Consume We Grow We Destroy We Breed. End of story.-me
They never knew what hit them and it was chaotic and uncontrolable.
it was pure written evil, it's the cor o' the soul.
they were never ready for us anyway. -doc
yeah it was good times. we didnt do much but eat a lot and play darts

how's AZ?