half life, artistic tendancies in a sleep like state. something becons me from sleep..and in a state of half sleep i step into my boots. Something seems slightly wrong..and at the same time it's not. my mind is at peace and my body disagrees with it. should something distract i will probably loose my moment. and so here i am...trying to sort through feelings and thoughts..pass me my share i'll take it and divulge what i must. mayhaps it's my subconcious slipping through or maybe it's blocked a little more than normal. either it's working to perfection or something is slightly wrong. the calm before the storm..standing in the eye after a storm and seeing the second move forward to blow you away..yet it halts and your stuck in a feeling of limbo. i'm happy though..i feel at peace. the world has stopped moving for a breif moment and i stand here with everything and nothing to say. is the the bird in hand better than the two in the bush if it won't stop pecking you long enough for you to think about it? sometimes it's better to dream of larger possibilities i think. in some cases i'd take the bush just because of knowing you could have more. the ugly head of a loss is a larger thing than a gain..in most cases. but i dare to dream..if i loose then i'll be happy with at least the thought that i tried..that at least i made an attempt for the clouds and continue on thinking of how much higher i'll reach next time. i'm a creature of thought. stimulate my brain and i'll glady push back. things arn't so hard when you get down to the basics. you act i react. you stub your toe you jump around a cuss about it. whatever the case each turn will send the wheel further along it's path... take what you want..store what you need and let the rest flow in the wind until it reaches someone who does want it. for now i'm at an end..as my wheel has continued to spin.
it did and thanks