march dicheads..march you morons..march you sheep..lift up your banners high...plant them in the blood soaked soil of your new territory..sing your empty songs of patrotisim..ironically founded on beliefs of freedom....america great beatiful of the free..built on the bones of indians...built on the backs of slaves..apparantly freedom is selective..apparantly you don't care...unless of happens to be you on the shit end of your they can have their golf courses..go and elect your they can appoint the preselected..kill for your country..die for your country..and rot knowing that you were a mere pawn used by a council of dictators to fatten their wallets. sing your mindless athems..wave your flags..great emblems of hypocrisy flowing so gracefully in the wind..remember your ancestors that died in senseless wars for americas "barganing" power..proudly proclaim your citicenship while your "elected" president takes away your rights to speak against him..sit on your ass and watch towers fall..planes crash..people die..all for a mock war to rally support and govern a recoil attack on some arabs watering their camels..embrace their Propaganda..your surly not the only one..embrace your country..embrace the American way..after all..we're all free..and we know what's best for everyone else.
...have fun with that one
...have fun with that one