well i finally got my computer working...peice of shit dell...dude yer geting a dell....more like dude yer geting a peice of shit..my cady is finally done smile i am a manager at my job...more money yeah!...the docs are goen to cut my dad's foot off soon..i think...and i got a slushy...tommarow i get my temps and hopefully my license back....my ex's dad is dieing of canceer...
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welp just got home the ex is being a cunt....sorry ladys......my cady is coming along great i just got done with my driving corse to get my license back....god damn 12 point suspension.....uhm i went to a local shop to get a tat and it is so fucked up it isen't even funny the ass hole coulden't even tat a spider web WTF!!! im so...
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Where'd ya go?

Art In Motion?

(I'm from Medina)
well im totally fucking trashed i love it but no luck at the bar there wasen't any good looking wemon they were all old bitches......they were like 40 trying to dress like they're 18 i dont fucking get it whyy don't wemon like fat guys...i am so out numbered by skinny guys that no matter what i do i can't get a decent looking girl...fuck...
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meeting girls at bars is never a good idea~
welp another boring day at work my tongue is sore....my ex is being a psyco bitch i just want to find a normle tattooed peirced girl any out there lol she ...never got around to my car and tommorow i will work late and get bitched at for it...makes no sense....i would just really like to find someone to talk to and mabye cuddle and...
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good luck finding a 'normal' tattooed pierced girl tongue
well hmmm i am siting here smoking a cig.geting ready to peirc my tongue again i am bored i am going to work at 6:30 there really isen't much going on i put 10 speakers in my cady today and i am geting ready to put 20 more in tommorow (way to much time and money on my hands) welp thats all for now eeek puke
yaya for piercings. ij ust got my nose repierced yesterday. was totally pumped!