Happy New Year
So this is the end of the strangest year yet...
2003: A Space Oddessy
Places I have been:
Las Angeles, CA (3 times)
Portland, OR (1 1/2 months)
San Francisco, CA (2 times)
Grand Lake, CO (4 days camping)
Las Vegas (4 times)
Napa, CA
Pheonix, AZ
Memphis, TN (4 times)
New Orleans, LA (3 times, including Mardi Gras)
Detroit (1 week)
Ft. Hood, TX
Dallas, TX
Salt Lake City, UT (4 times)
Park City, UT (1 week for Tromadance)
Moab, UT (3 days at Arches Nat. Park)
Chicago, IL (my homebase)
Kansas City, Missouri (on tour with Captured by Robots)
Milewauke, WI (on tour w/ CBR)
Des Moines, IA (on tour w/ CBR)
St. Louis (Ween show and tour w/ CBR)
Denver (8 times)
Gallup, NM
Sedona, AZ
Santa Cruz, CA
Iowa City, IA
Champagne, IL (5 times)
Idaho Springs, CO
Grandby, CO (ER, I owe them $3000)
Pooterwilly, WA (I saw a forest fire start across the Columbia Gorge from here)
Bend, OR
Coeur D' Lane, ID
Minneinapolis, MS
Newport Beach, OR
Austin, TX
Oklahoma City, OK
Drove through: Illinois, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Arizona, Utah, California, Oregon, Washington, New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas, Neveda, Idaho, Iowa, Colorado, Tennessee, Louisiana, Alabama, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Wisconsin, Kansas, Oklahoma, Ohio, Georgia, Wyoming, and Nebraska.
People that I met on the road that rock:
Abraham Dover (I miss you!)
Joni (I love you!)
Rusty Nails
Nate Kasikowski
Jed Pickle
Thomas Pancake
Dave Grohl
Sheik Tanner
Jeffery Wonderful
Jonathan Lees
Sunny Patio
Lola Rocknrolla
and many more
The year started out with my trip to Tromadance, a film fest that Troma holds in Park city during Sundance. I met so many wonderful people and had so much fun! That's where I met the POW people because they were performing at our festival. I also met the rockin Rusty Nails, an indie director from Chicago. When I got home I ran into a bunch of cash and went to Mardi Gras. At Mardi Gras I fell in love with a manchild who I took on a three week journey around the US because I knew the war was about to start and I wanted to see my little brother whos in the army in case he was going to be sent to fight. When I got back my car died, I was evicted from my apartment, and the manchild I was in love with dumped me all on the same day. I hung out in Chitown for about a month then met JBOT and spent a week on tour with him. In early July I went to San Francisco to visit him for a week and see my other SF friend Joni, the coolest girl in the world. From SF I went up to Portland, OR to visit my POW friend that I met at Tromadance, Knotty Klown, a clown pornographer. I was supposed to be there for 2 weeks and ended up living there for almost 2 months. I liked it so much and love my friend Abraham so much that I plan on moving there as soon as I can save up some cash. During my time in PO I met a nice guy named Zorn and we took a vacation from my vacation for a 2 week camping trip around Colorado and Utah. The idea was that we were going to show up at Hunter S Thompson's house and interview him. We got to his house, but couldn't get in. I was hospitalized in Grandby, CO for that new flu that everyone is getting this year. I almost died. When I got back to PO I did my SG shoot with the wonderful Siren. I met the Suicide Girls in 2002 when I was on the Warped Tour with Troma and we shot a movie with some of the girls called 4 days in Panties (Katie was the lead). I figured since I was in PO I would have Siren shoot me and join the SG team! I finally left PO on Sept. 10th via Greyhound (the only way I travel since my car died). I got back to Chitown Sept. 13th and spent two months here, I had pnemonia for 5 of those weeks. As soon as I got better I got an offer to go to LA and be in Dave Grohl and Lemmy's new band Probot's music video with all the other Suicide Girls. It was spectacular! I was only supposed to be gone for 3 days in LA but I ran into a friend Tim "Torture King" Cridland, a sideshow performer, and he kidnapped me for two weeks and took me to SF for a show where I got to see Joni again (Yay!) and then to Vegas. I got back at the end of November. I was sick again for two weeks then went to Detroit to see my fam and just got back on the 29th. Now here I am typing on my laptop in Chicago remenicing about the crazy year I have just had and what the 20th anniversary of 1984 has in store for me. On the plate so far: I'm going to Tromadance again where a movie I was in, Tales From the Crapper, is premeiring, then on to Mardi Gras, and there's a slight chance that I'm going to Argentina with the Torture King to be on Argentinian television. I also plan to visit or hopefully move to Portland and I have a trip planned for early summer to accompany my friend Miriam who grew up in Cairo to Amsterdam, Istanbul, Cairo, and Geiza for a month. 2004 looks like it might be as fun as 2003, I hope it is. So that's been my interesting year, so much has happened (most of which I can't put in this journal). It has been amazing and heartbreaking. I have fallen in love, had my heart broken, and had many others fall in love with me. Well goodbye 2003, hello 2004.
Tetsua Robobabe
So this is the end of the strangest year yet...
2003: A Space Oddessy
Places I have been:
Las Angeles, CA (3 times)
Portland, OR (1 1/2 months)
San Francisco, CA (2 times)
Grand Lake, CO (4 days camping)
Las Vegas (4 times)
Napa, CA
Pheonix, AZ
Memphis, TN (4 times)
New Orleans, LA (3 times, including Mardi Gras)
Detroit (1 week)
Ft. Hood, TX
Dallas, TX
Salt Lake City, UT (4 times)
Park City, UT (1 week for Tromadance)
Moab, UT (3 days at Arches Nat. Park)
Chicago, IL (my homebase)
Kansas City, Missouri (on tour with Captured by Robots)
Milewauke, WI (on tour w/ CBR)
Des Moines, IA (on tour w/ CBR)
St. Louis (Ween show and tour w/ CBR)
Denver (8 times)
Gallup, NM
Sedona, AZ
Santa Cruz, CA
Iowa City, IA
Champagne, IL (5 times)
Idaho Springs, CO
Grandby, CO (ER, I owe them $3000)
Pooterwilly, WA (I saw a forest fire start across the Columbia Gorge from here)
Bend, OR
Coeur D' Lane, ID
Minneinapolis, MS
Newport Beach, OR
Austin, TX
Oklahoma City, OK
Drove through: Illinois, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Arizona, Utah, California, Oregon, Washington, New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas, Neveda, Idaho, Iowa, Colorado, Tennessee, Louisiana, Alabama, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Wisconsin, Kansas, Oklahoma, Ohio, Georgia, Wyoming, and Nebraska.
People that I met on the road that rock:
Abraham Dover (I miss you!)
Joni (I love you!)
Rusty Nails
Nate Kasikowski
Jed Pickle
Thomas Pancake
Dave Grohl
Sheik Tanner
Jeffery Wonderful
Jonathan Lees
Sunny Patio
Lola Rocknrolla
and many more
The year started out with my trip to Tromadance, a film fest that Troma holds in Park city during Sundance. I met so many wonderful people and had so much fun! That's where I met the POW people because they were performing at our festival. I also met the rockin Rusty Nails, an indie director from Chicago. When I got home I ran into a bunch of cash and went to Mardi Gras. At Mardi Gras I fell in love with a manchild who I took on a three week journey around the US because I knew the war was about to start and I wanted to see my little brother whos in the army in case he was going to be sent to fight. When I got back my car died, I was evicted from my apartment, and the manchild I was in love with dumped me all on the same day. I hung out in Chitown for about a month then met JBOT and spent a week on tour with him. In early July I went to San Francisco to visit him for a week and see my other SF friend Joni, the coolest girl in the world. From SF I went up to Portland, OR to visit my POW friend that I met at Tromadance, Knotty Klown, a clown pornographer. I was supposed to be there for 2 weeks and ended up living there for almost 2 months. I liked it so much and love my friend Abraham so much that I plan on moving there as soon as I can save up some cash. During my time in PO I met a nice guy named Zorn and we took a vacation from my vacation for a 2 week camping trip around Colorado and Utah. The idea was that we were going to show up at Hunter S Thompson's house and interview him. We got to his house, but couldn't get in. I was hospitalized in Grandby, CO for that new flu that everyone is getting this year. I almost died. When I got back to PO I did my SG shoot with the wonderful Siren. I met the Suicide Girls in 2002 when I was on the Warped Tour with Troma and we shot a movie with some of the girls called 4 days in Panties (Katie was the lead). I figured since I was in PO I would have Siren shoot me and join the SG team! I finally left PO on Sept. 10th via Greyhound (the only way I travel since my car died). I got back to Chitown Sept. 13th and spent two months here, I had pnemonia for 5 of those weeks. As soon as I got better I got an offer to go to LA and be in Dave Grohl and Lemmy's new band Probot's music video with all the other Suicide Girls. It was spectacular! I was only supposed to be gone for 3 days in LA but I ran into a friend Tim "Torture King" Cridland, a sideshow performer, and he kidnapped me for two weeks and took me to SF for a show where I got to see Joni again (Yay!) and then to Vegas. I got back at the end of November. I was sick again for two weeks then went to Detroit to see my fam and just got back on the 29th. Now here I am typing on my laptop in Chicago remenicing about the crazy year I have just had and what the 20th anniversary of 1984 has in store for me. On the plate so far: I'm going to Tromadance again where a movie I was in, Tales From the Crapper, is premeiring, then on to Mardi Gras, and there's a slight chance that I'm going to Argentina with the Torture King to be on Argentinian television. I also plan to visit or hopefully move to Portland and I have a trip planned for early summer to accompany my friend Miriam who grew up in Cairo to Amsterdam, Istanbul, Cairo, and Geiza for a month. 2004 looks like it might be as fun as 2003, I hope it is. So that's been my interesting year, so much has happened (most of which I can't put in this journal). It has been amazing and heartbreaking. I have fallen in love, had my heart broken, and had many others fall in love with me. Well goodbye 2003, hello 2004.
Tetsua Robobabe

Tetsua the Iron Woman?
Happy New Year