So where was I? Oh yeah, the begining of the ceremony...
We were ushered to this room where there was a shrine with an old looking statue of some kind and a bunch of pictures of people. I had to stand on the opposite side of the room as the men and a woman next to me helped me through the ceremony. We chanted lines from the Q'ran (I can't spell) and swayed back and forth. Sometimes we would make this woooo sound which was supposed to summon our ancestors who would in return grant us our every desire. We also got down and bowed towards Mecca a bunch of times. The breatharian was scolded by the Sheik because he was making up his own chanting. The ceremony lasted about an hour. After this we ate cake and left. As we were leaving one of the older women announced that a flash of light had been seen from LA to San Francisco and that it was Mohammed, a miracle. I was convinced that it was the UFO I was trying to see on the way.
When we left Napa and the Sufis we drove straight through to Vegas. I was so excited, I didn't think that I was actually going to be able to spend any time at all in Vegas. I stayed with the Torture King for about 5 or 6 days and then came back to Chicago, over a week and a half later than I had planned. It was such an amazing adventure, music videos, meeting new great people, getting kidnapped. It was great. Now I'm back in Chitown and it is 15 degrees at night. Screw this...
On another note, please send my cat Fritz good thoughts, he's had a couple seizures in the last 2 days and I don't know whats wrong nor can I afford to take him to the vet until after Xmas. Thank you...
Tetsua Robobabe
We were ushered to this room where there was a shrine with an old looking statue of some kind and a bunch of pictures of people. I had to stand on the opposite side of the room as the men and a woman next to me helped me through the ceremony. We chanted lines from the Q'ran (I can't spell) and swayed back and forth. Sometimes we would make this woooo sound which was supposed to summon our ancestors who would in return grant us our every desire. We also got down and bowed towards Mecca a bunch of times. The breatharian was scolded by the Sheik because he was making up his own chanting. The ceremony lasted about an hour. After this we ate cake and left. As we were leaving one of the older women announced that a flash of light had been seen from LA to San Francisco and that it was Mohammed, a miracle. I was convinced that it was the UFO I was trying to see on the way.
When we left Napa and the Sufis we drove straight through to Vegas. I was so excited, I didn't think that I was actually going to be able to spend any time at all in Vegas. I stayed with the Torture King for about 5 or 6 days and then came back to Chicago, over a week and a half later than I had planned. It was such an amazing adventure, music videos, meeting new great people, getting kidnapped. It was great. Now I'm back in Chitown and it is 15 degrees at night. Screw this...
On another note, please send my cat Fritz good thoughts, he's had a couple seizures in the last 2 days and I don't know whats wrong nor can I afford to take him to the vet until after Xmas. Thank you...
Tetsua Robobabe

i wuboo!