Yesterday I managed to burn my hand. Excellent. Pretty damn painful for a long time. I was able to melt an ice cube on it in less than a minute. I did discover the finest secret for burns though, thanks to the interweb: mustard! I'm not even kidding! I spread some of Colman's finest English mustard on my hand, and 10 minutes later it was no longer painful. Mustard: not just for beef!
I am NOT going to see Flight Of The Conchords. I was going to, I even had the tickets reserved on Ticketmaster first thing on Thursday morning, but I didn't think 35 a ticket for Hammersmith Apollo was worth it. Don't get me wrong, Conchords rule and I'm sure the show would've been great, but 35 is waaaaaaaaaay too steep for them. I didn't even pay that to see Prince perform for 2 hours at the O2!!!! I'm a bit gutted but I stand by my decision.
TWO good comments on my beard! Haha. It's nice not to shave. I hate doing it. Even better now that people think it looks cool! Can't beat a bit of face fuzz, except on a woman.
Getting ever closer to purchasing a Wii Fit, meaning I will soon be back in good shape. Football is helping, and I'm steadily improving my game to the point where I could probably play competitively for 20 mins or so right now before my shin splints ache too much. There's always loads of younger guys on the astroturf where we play, and I pulled off some spectacular piece of control to which I heard one of them exclaim "Woah! Sick control!". Nice to be respected
I am NOT going to see Flight Of The Conchords. I was going to, I even had the tickets reserved on Ticketmaster first thing on Thursday morning, but I didn't think 35 a ticket for Hammersmith Apollo was worth it. Don't get me wrong, Conchords rule and I'm sure the show would've been great, but 35 is waaaaaaaaaay too steep for them. I didn't even pay that to see Prince perform for 2 hours at the O2!!!! I'm a bit gutted but I stand by my decision.
TWO good comments on my beard! Haha. It's nice not to shave. I hate doing it. Even better now that people think it looks cool! Can't beat a bit of face fuzz, except on a woman.
Getting ever closer to purchasing a Wii Fit, meaning I will soon be back in good shape. Football is helping, and I'm steadily improving my game to the point where I could probably play competitively for 20 mins or so right now before my shin splints ache too much. There's always loads of younger guys on the astroturf where we play, and I pulled off some spectacular piece of control to which I heard one of them exclaim "Woah! Sick control!". Nice to be respected

Mmmmm crab and sweetcorn soup om nom nom.. tonight my friend is doing stew