soooooooooooooooooooooooooo it turns out that once i've been drinking i'm still a horrible person after all! damn! i'm not one for new years resolutions an' all that jazz, but i think i will make the decision that i will try to be a much nicer person this year. maybe take less risks.
i've been pretty inactive on here over the past few months. i'm taking it the sets are back down to 1 a day??? a good choice in my opinion. i'm just not as excited about this site as i was when i first joined all those years ago. i'm doubting that it's because the girls aren't as hot, or because i'm not interested in looking at hot nekkid ladies, so i can only assume that it is because there was a huge overload and so it meant a lot less. there was no build up of anticipation. granted, there are the 'limbo' girls, or whatever they're called these days, the girls that are waiting to go live, and i'm sure it's a huge thrill for them to be on here and to have people commenting on their impending sets, but i can't help but feel that you lose a large chunk of the magic that way. i used to love coming home from work, checking my emails, checking out friendster (remember when that was cool?!), then checking out sg to see who had a new set up. good times.
i'm probably in a reflective mood. i don't know why. sometimes i really miss what life used to be like. am i really that out of touch????
i've been pretty inactive on here over the past few months. i'm taking it the sets are back down to 1 a day??? a good choice in my opinion. i'm just not as excited about this site as i was when i first joined all those years ago. i'm doubting that it's because the girls aren't as hot, or because i'm not interested in looking at hot nekkid ladies, so i can only assume that it is because there was a huge overload and so it meant a lot less. there was no build up of anticipation. granted, there are the 'limbo' girls, or whatever they're called these days, the girls that are waiting to go live, and i'm sure it's a huge thrill for them to be on here and to have people commenting on their impending sets, but i can't help but feel that you lose a large chunk of the magic that way. i used to love coming home from work, checking my emails, checking out friendster (remember when that was cool?!), then checking out sg to see who had a new set up. good times.
i'm probably in a reflective mood. i don't know why. sometimes i really miss what life used to be like. am i really that out of touch????

i dont know yet.. in gothenburg in may.