i've just got out of the bath. that's my first bath in absolutely ages! not cos i'm dirrty and disgusting, it's just that i never get the chance for a bath so i always shower. this bath was probably the best bath i've ever had too! no one else is in so i've got the cd player up very loud
nothing like a good soak in some deliciously hot water (that smelt of cocoa butter thanks to some crazy lush bath ball thingy) whilst the joys of lenny kravitz (well, the two lenny songs that are listenable, and the mighty 'it ain't over til it's over') and the fat legend that is meat loaf (yeah that's right, i love meat loaf!) are blaring out of my immense speaker system. i've been singing along at full volume to all the classics. god damn it's been a good day! now for some cooking, exercise and then the world cup final. still got big decisions to make though.....
'bat out of hell' has just started. oh yes

'bat out of hell' has just started. oh yes

just take out the dashes!!
black ink on white paper is just so much more aesthetically appealing. and easiest to read. ^_^