yo yo, new zealand was totally awesome! i thankfully didn't get tanned (i hate sunshine dammit!). i didn't get tattooed either though. the best place i could find had a 3 week waiting list, and i was only there for 19 days
i'm quite obsessed with irish music at the minute. kept going to an irish bar called muldoons and i managed to catch a shit hot band called the leprechauns (original!). i tell you all now to download a song called 'johnny jump up', tis a classic. i'm even digging 'brown eyed girl' these days which is strange. jimmy buffett is a new hero of mine, if only for the mighty 'why don't we get drunk and screw'. couldn't have said it better myself.
i've just shaved my beard into one of those crazy dmx type things that kind of frame your jawline. hehe. it's looking pretty good actually, just need to trim it a lil but i can't be bothered right now. hehe. too lazy. new zealand made me lazy cos i just bummed around every day until it was time to go to the pub
what helped matters was that one of the barmaids in the pub was quite easily one of the hottest ladies i've ever seen in my life. if only she became a sg...........

i'm quite obsessed with irish music at the minute. kept going to an irish bar called muldoons and i managed to catch a shit hot band called the leprechauns (original!). i tell you all now to download a song called 'johnny jump up', tis a classic. i'm even digging 'brown eyed girl' these days which is strange. jimmy buffett is a new hero of mine, if only for the mighty 'why don't we get drunk and screw'. couldn't have said it better myself.
i've just shaved my beard into one of those crazy dmx type things that kind of frame your jawline. hehe. it's looking pretty good actually, just need to trim it a lil but i can't be bothered right now. hehe. too lazy. new zealand made me lazy cos i just bummed around every day until it was time to go to the pub

Slip here a sticker with the website on it and give her some damn cheesy line!!! might just work 

I'm so jealous that you made it to New Zealand. That's one of my goals for this year.