Sacred Chow is located on 227 sullivan Street. Known for it's wonderful vegan deserts and interesting vegan tapas.
Scummy, it what I call it.
THIS FUCKIN RESTAURANT is owned by the most BRAIN DEAD fucker I've ever met, Cliff Preefer. When I was first employed, I was so excited to work somewhere vegan and friendly, working with people my age and with similar intrest.
After a few months of getting to know the place, i started realizing, wow, he really doesn't know what he's fucking doing. Not just that, he's the biggest fucking pushover I've ever met!
1. Employees are under paid, but not just that, NEVER fucking paid on time. Paydays are supposed to be every other friday (every two weeks) but fridays, if you get paid you're lucky, sometimes, it will take days, even weeks until employees are paid.
2. The food is good, i mean vegans will fucking eat anything, not complaining about the food, what i will complian about it how half assed it's put together, see Mr. Preffer here thinks he knows what he's doing and WILL NOT take any kind of critisism. "Cliff, these onions are burnt" "no, I think they are just a little over cooked, adds to the flavor". When food is dropped, it's not just thrown in the trash and a new meal it's made, they just blow on it till whatever little obvious parts are cleaned off. ALSO, there is a HUGE rat problem, the first time we got a mouse i freaked out but being the Vegan that I am, I didn't want the poor thing killed, told somone there was a mouse in the restaurant and the dishwasher, smashed it with a wine bottle and threw it in the trash, I don't care if it's a rodent but THATS NOT VEGAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. The book keeper is the most , i don't think theres a word to describe her, lets see, BIGGEST FUCKING PEICE OF SCUM ON THE PLANET, I've never met anyone as usless as the fat tard fucking bitch. Can't seem to figure out how to pay people the ammount of money they are owed and on top of that comes to work and get's stoned while working. ( I have nothing against pot, but when your job is to keep books and pay people, you really shouldn't fuck around like that.) Not just that, she's rude, inconsiderate, and unprofessional. Cliff somehow, thinks she knows what shes doing and lets her fat ass push him around. Quite honestly, i think she's stealing from the restaurant and wouldn't be surprised if the reason the place is in debt is due to her.
4. If you need to go on vacation or you're sick THEY WILL NOT STOP MAKING YOU FEEL BAD ABOUT ASKING TO TAKE A FUCKING DAY OFF!
You know, usually if you need a day off, you just ask a co-worker to cover for you OR trade a shift, Ms. Iris here is SO FUCKING USELESS, that she cannot seem to get peoples pay right EVEN THOUGH IT'S WRITTEN IN BOLD LETTERS ON THE CALANDER when shifts are ajusted. So, how they handel the situation is "no, you can't trade shift with so and so" "well, um why not? I'd like to know why it's my right and all?" "well, because I said so"
5. Lastly, instead of talking to your employee. Like you should, Shit is said behind everyones back. I've got proff. Earlier this week, I had suspicions that I was being replaced, You know, just one of those things. so about two weeks ago in the afternoon while taking a nap i recieve a text message from a co-worker that read:
"So, I don't really want to be the one to tell you, but I would want to know. I think they are trying to replace you. Some dude is being trained right now. I think it sucks but I thought I would tell you so they don't just leave you high and dry. I'm really sorry."
On my day off. So, i go on craigslist CAUSE I FUCKING KNEW IT AND WHAT DO I FIND?!.......
I went into work the following day, and approached my boss saying " I'd like to know why I'm getting fired" He froze and lied saying i'm not getting fired adn talked all this fucking bull shit saying that the restaurant will have a meeting and yadda yadda BULLSHIT.
I don't know why i believed the crap. Today I got a call from the fucking book keeper telling me to pick up my pay and she just can't continue to work with me COULD'NT EVEN TELL ME TO MY FACE, HAD TO CALL ME ON THE PHONE. Not just that MY BOSS IS SUCH A COWARD HE COULDN'T EVEN FIRE ME HIMSELF!
I will do everything in my power to make this restaurant go out of business, i don't care, any vegans in the NYC area, I don't recommend this place, stay away, it's expensive and currupt.
I was fired because the Book keeper doesn't like me
Scummy, it what I call it.
THIS FUCKIN RESTAURANT is owned by the most BRAIN DEAD fucker I've ever met, Cliff Preefer. When I was first employed, I was so excited to work somewhere vegan and friendly, working with people my age and with similar intrest.
After a few months of getting to know the place, i started realizing, wow, he really doesn't know what he's fucking doing. Not just that, he's the biggest fucking pushover I've ever met!
1. Employees are under paid, but not just that, NEVER fucking paid on time. Paydays are supposed to be every other friday (every two weeks) but fridays, if you get paid you're lucky, sometimes, it will take days, even weeks until employees are paid.
2. The food is good, i mean vegans will fucking eat anything, not complaining about the food, what i will complian about it how half assed it's put together, see Mr. Preffer here thinks he knows what he's doing and WILL NOT take any kind of critisism. "Cliff, these onions are burnt" "no, I think they are just a little over cooked, adds to the flavor". When food is dropped, it's not just thrown in the trash and a new meal it's made, they just blow on it till whatever little obvious parts are cleaned off. ALSO, there is a HUGE rat problem, the first time we got a mouse i freaked out but being the Vegan that I am, I didn't want the poor thing killed, told somone there was a mouse in the restaurant and the dishwasher, smashed it with a wine bottle and threw it in the trash, I don't care if it's a rodent but THATS NOT VEGAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. The book keeper is the most , i don't think theres a word to describe her, lets see, BIGGEST FUCKING PEICE OF SCUM ON THE PLANET, I've never met anyone as usless as the fat tard fucking bitch. Can't seem to figure out how to pay people the ammount of money they are owed and on top of that comes to work and get's stoned while working. ( I have nothing against pot, but when your job is to keep books and pay people, you really shouldn't fuck around like that.) Not just that, she's rude, inconsiderate, and unprofessional. Cliff somehow, thinks she knows what shes doing and lets her fat ass push him around. Quite honestly, i think she's stealing from the restaurant and wouldn't be surprised if the reason the place is in debt is due to her.
4. If you need to go on vacation or you're sick THEY WILL NOT STOP MAKING YOU FEEL BAD ABOUT ASKING TO TAKE A FUCKING DAY OFF!
You know, usually if you need a day off, you just ask a co-worker to cover for you OR trade a shift, Ms. Iris here is SO FUCKING USELESS, that she cannot seem to get peoples pay right EVEN THOUGH IT'S WRITTEN IN BOLD LETTERS ON THE CALANDER when shifts are ajusted. So, how they handel the situation is "no, you can't trade shift with so and so" "well, um why not? I'd like to know why it's my right and all?" "well, because I said so"
5. Lastly, instead of talking to your employee. Like you should, Shit is said behind everyones back. I've got proff. Earlier this week, I had suspicions that I was being replaced, You know, just one of those things. so about two weeks ago in the afternoon while taking a nap i recieve a text message from a co-worker that read:
"So, I don't really want to be the one to tell you, but I would want to know. I think they are trying to replace you. Some dude is being trained right now. I think it sucks but I thought I would tell you so they don't just leave you high and dry. I'm really sorry."
On my day off. So, i go on craigslist CAUSE I FUCKING KNEW IT AND WHAT DO I FIND?!.......
I went into work the following day, and approached my boss saying " I'd like to know why I'm getting fired" He froze and lied saying i'm not getting fired adn talked all this fucking bull shit saying that the restaurant will have a meeting and yadda yadda BULLSHIT.
I don't know why i believed the crap. Today I got a call from the fucking book keeper telling me to pick up my pay and she just can't continue to work with me COULD'NT EVEN TELL ME TO MY FACE, HAD TO CALL ME ON THE PHONE. Not just that MY BOSS IS SUCH A COWARD HE COULDN'T EVEN FIRE ME HIMSELF!
I will do everything in my power to make this restaurant go out of business, i don't care, any vegans in the NYC area, I don't recommend this place, stay away, it's expensive and currupt.
I was fired because the Book keeper doesn't like me
yeah, i know. i really am not in the mood to go out looking for a new job.

that's horrific - I have absolutely no tolerance for poor amanagement - imagine how great that place would be if it were run properly... I hope you find something soon...