Soo braiden and I have been getting into this band from here in Utah called the Hellbound Saints .this band is Purdy darn kick ass I tell ya what! Weve been goin to see their shows and hang out every chance we get.. Not only that but I still am diggin the whole crowd that gathers to watch this band
Tonight ,,, well last night they played with the black cat rebellion,, another really cool band..
Got a few pics to share with ya, my camera sucks sometimes soo it doesnt really capture the moment but an orange glow.
Ahaha the side of Vinces face I was trying to get the band,, but eh, im a short one
Theres brad scarecrow from the black cat rebellion..
Lauren and liz for some reason this pic doesnt even look like them,,
Jamie and Jestia soo darling
Then the side of Jeanettes face.. Heh
didnt really take a lot of pictures. Because my camera has been acting soo fucked up
NEXT time expect a billion flashes in your faces! Cause im gonna fix this bitch!
Anyways, wensday night we went to the phenomenaTs IT was fucking awesome! If braiden were to ever be in a band it would be exactly like this one! Sorry I didnt take any pics I forgot my camera at home!
They played with the epoxies I like um but braiden didnt really care of them oooh and they played with the aquabatz.. But who really fucking cares ahahah I dont like the aquabatz they give me a head ache I just wanted to take a shot gun and shoot every one of those stupid guys in their blue spandex jump suits.. Augh annoying heh.. But that show was pretty good,, other then the fact I sweat my face off.
Yeah the warped tour is on Saturday braiden and I are going just for kicks.. And Heather is actually going to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! I hope I dont get sun burnt
Seems like were spending a lot of money but were really not , other then show Wednesday and 10 bucks today we havent at alll. We had to pay a bunch of bills blah blah blah.
Oh and the other new is, braiden and I decided not to move any where for a while. Sorry to let anyone down who was counten on us moving to slc,,, but we like the less responsible way of living we dont mind the half an hour drive to salt lake the hour drive to provo is a bitch sometimes.. But,,, living in tooele with my dad isnt soo bad when you consider all the money we have left to spend
Other then this last time where bills and such tooook its toll! Augh,,,
Tonight ,,, well last night they played with the black cat rebellion,, another really cool band..
Got a few pics to share with ya, my camera sucks sometimes soo it doesnt really capture the moment but an orange glow.

Ahaha the side of Vinces face I was trying to get the band,, but eh, im a short one

Theres brad scarecrow from the black cat rebellion..

Lauren and liz for some reason this pic doesnt even look like them,,

Jamie and Jestia soo darling

Then the side of Jeanettes face.. Heh
didnt really take a lot of pictures. Because my camera has been acting soo fucked up
NEXT time expect a billion flashes in your faces! Cause im gonna fix this bitch!
Anyways, wensday night we went to the phenomenaTs IT was fucking awesome! If braiden were to ever be in a band it would be exactly like this one! Sorry I didnt take any pics I forgot my camera at home!
They played with the epoxies I like um but braiden didnt really care of them oooh and they played with the aquabatz.. But who really fucking cares ahahah I dont like the aquabatz they give me a head ache I just wanted to take a shot gun and shoot every one of those stupid guys in their blue spandex jump suits.. Augh annoying heh.. But that show was pretty good,, other then the fact I sweat my face off.
Yeah the warped tour is on Saturday braiden and I are going just for kicks.. And Heather is actually going to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! I hope I dont get sun burnt
Seems like were spending a lot of money but were really not , other then show Wednesday and 10 bucks today we havent at alll. We had to pay a bunch of bills blah blah blah.
Oh and the other new is, braiden and I decided not to move any where for a while. Sorry to let anyone down who was counten on us moving to slc,,, but we like the less responsible way of living we dont mind the half an hour drive to salt lake the hour drive to provo is a bitch sometimes.. But,,, living in tooele with my dad isnt soo bad when you consider all the money we have left to spend
Other then this last time where bills and such tooook its toll! Augh,,,

what did you think of warped tour? the line sucked. I will read all of you journal tonight when i get home

let me know when you friends band plays next. thay seem cool.