I finally have been updating my favorite suicide girls... I started going threw the complete list,, from Z-A but only got to about H... and this was alittle bit last night then a little bit today then alittle more today.. and I didnt havent finished the list... wat happened? theres so many sg's now..
Synnove is so pretty! she is my new favorite....
I miss aiki.... I really miss aiki....
after all she was the reason I joined this site.. she was my favorite.... every single picture of hers was beautiful.... no one comes close to how great aiki is...
but synnove is about far far/ same level... Synnove is really great... I want to be her.. or at least look like her...okay okay... I dont think I want to be her exactly.. but shes something great, and I want to be something great... get what im a saying?
gosh I can never make my point...
anyways its Gay pride this weekend here in Salt lake City Utah... Ive gone last year and the year before... so I may as well go this year...
then on monday the nekromantix are playing...
nekroman is a cooooool dude....
I was thinking about piercing my nose again, or even my eye brows... but I talked my self out of it.. I just get tired of piercings wayto fast... last time my eye brows were peirced, I took them out after 2 months.. my nose didnt last a week... I think its better if you get both of yoru eyebrows pierced, if your going to peirce one.. cause.. Im so obsessed with balance... I drive my self crazy... same goes for lips and nose... one side, NO! BOTHSIDES! I dont know why..
anywho Im going to redye my hair today... just fucking black.. I was going to grow the black out, and have my natural color ,(blondish-brownish) but, I never liked that color and majority of my hair is black already. and Ive seemed to have black the past 5 years.. and dying it anyother color is no longer an option.. cause bleaching it frys the fuck out of it.. and any other colors just dont show up in black..
this is whyI was just going to grow the black out and cut it off.. but... Ive decided fuck that idea... I'm tired of changing... okay I'm done ranting for today...
(if your in the SLC area)

Synnove is so pretty! she is my new favorite....

I miss aiki.... I really miss aiki....

but synnove is about far far/ same level... Synnove is really great... I want to be her.. or at least look like her...okay okay... I dont think I want to be her exactly.. but shes something great, and I want to be something great... get what im a saying?

anyways its Gay pride this weekend here in Salt lake City Utah... Ive gone last year and the year before... so I may as well go this year...
then on monday the nekromantix are playing...

I was thinking about piercing my nose again, or even my eye brows... but I talked my self out of it.. I just get tired of piercings wayto fast... last time my eye brows were peirced, I took them out after 2 months.. my nose didnt last a week... I think its better if you get both of yoru eyebrows pierced, if your going to peirce one.. cause.. Im so obsessed with balance... I drive my self crazy... same goes for lips and nose... one side, NO! BOTHSIDES! I dont know why..
anywho Im going to redye my hair today... just fucking black.. I was going to grow the black out, and have my natural color ,(blondish-brownish) but, I never liked that color and majority of my hair is black already. and Ive seemed to have black the past 5 years.. and dying it anyother color is no longer an option.. cause bleaching it frys the fuck out of it.. and any other colors just dont show up in black..
this is whyI was just going to grow the black out and cut it off.. but... Ive decided fuck that idea... I'm tired of changing... okay I'm done ranting for today...


oh oh i wana go this weekend ware is it being held?
yeah i went through the pains of black hair to blond last year. It deff fries your head
do tell, when and where?
let go pride week