hmm so I guess my acount never ended? maybe it was the end of febuary... ??? well thats cool cause Ive actually have gotten on here a few times this month... well the latest news in the big ole boring life of tessa, is not a whole lot, a few concerts, braiden got a job a few weeks ago.. im finishing school in adult ed (only3 credits short) oh I MET KATIE! super cute white woman with good style! hmm lets see what else? I got accepted to work at the grand teton national park.. unfortantly I wont be going... im really starting to enjoy salt lake city... I dont think I could bare leaving braiden for an entire 5 whole months.. he might meet some other fat girl to make hime smile.. ! heh jk.. I might get braces cause since my jaw surgury all of my teeth have gone to yuck.. not only that, but I hurt, my face swells up and all sorts of nonsense well if this account closes at the end of the month, you all have good one! and I'll see ya'all soon again! ps: I miss you rebecca... I wish you would stop being so distant with me.. I know you have new friends.. and a busy life.. sooner or later can we just talk like we use to? regardless of whats going on? I MISS YOU! miss you miss you MISS YOU!