The Day After Thanksgiving -
Is that not the lamest name for a holiday ever conceived? We don't have a name for the friggin day other than "Friday" nor, to the best of my knowledge, have we ever had a name for it.
But I say, call a spade a spade - let's call it:
Consumerism Day!
Go forth and spend, spend, SPEND!!! Nevermind that if you wait a mere three days, surviving through your baser urges to charge, lemming-like, amidst the holiday crowds, that you can easily purchase whatever you want with a minimum of fuss. No, no, you need the aggravation so you can truly appreciate the season.
Consumerism Day - Not just a promotional gimic.
Personally - I think it's a great day for people watching, not shopping.
Is that not the lamest name for a holiday ever conceived? We don't have a name for the friggin day other than "Friday" nor, to the best of my knowledge, have we ever had a name for it.
But I say, call a spade a spade - let's call it:
Consumerism Day!
Go forth and spend, spend, SPEND!!! Nevermind that if you wait a mere three days, surviving through your baser urges to charge, lemming-like, amidst the holiday crowds, that you can easily purchase whatever you want with a minimum of fuss. No, no, you need the aggravation so you can truly appreciate the season.
Consumerism Day - Not just a promotional gimic.

Personally - I think it's a great day for people watching, not shopping.