One Man's Junk is another Woman's Treasure
I feel like such a Mag pie! My neighbors, who where hoarders, are having a yard sale! I found some amazing treasure! Silver chalice and spoons, brass cups and bowls, copper tea kettle and cup, a little cup with feet and butt cheeks, wooden bowls and plates! It looks like some one opened up a pirate's treasure chest and emptied it on my kitchen counters. It really is amazing how much a simple item can bring so much excitement to it new owner.

I feel like such a Mag pie! My neighbors, who where hoarders, are having a yard sale! I found some amazing treasure! Silver chalice and spoons, brass cups and bowls, copper tea kettle and cup, a little cup with feet and butt cheeks, wooden bowls and plates! It looks like some one opened up a pirate's treasure chest and emptied it on my kitchen counters. It really is amazing how much a simple item can bring so much excitement to it new owner.

My grandma was a hoarder and I ended up with a lot of cool little trinkets when we cleaned out her house.