Okay, I have a busy day of cooking, cooking, and more cooking ahead of me! You see, I inherited my Dad's passion and skill for cooking and now that he is gone, my family wants me to cook his signature dishes! My Dad was born here in the States but his parents were from Spain,(oddly enough my Moms from Scotland
) so no easy grilled cheese and tomato soup from me! I have kitchen FULL of tomatoes, chilies, onions, tortillas, beans, rice and all that other yummy stuff you need to make authentic Spanish Dishes. Thank the Gods, they are not making do homemade tortillas!
For those of you who are Food Network freaks like me, my kitchen looks like Kitchen Stadium, with all the ingredients pilled high! So, if you dont here from me, I have either drowned in a vast of enchilada sauce or have eaten so many tortillas I cant even roll my butt out of the kitchen! Wish me luck, I would hate to disappoint.
Oh and going to the Mexican Market was a HOOT!
Did I mention, I dont speak a lick of Spanish! Yeah... try ordering meat from the butcher, it was fun!
All, I can say is "Good Times!"
Love you all and as always... XOXO
Ps. only 26 days, 15 hours, 30 mins and 24 seconds left until my set goes live! (still super excited!)

Oh and going to the Mexican Market was a HOOT!

Love you all and as always... XOXO

Ps. only 26 days, 15 hours, 30 mins and 24 seconds left until my set goes live! (still super excited!)
Can't wait till u "cook up" that new set!