I'm on my period, so this past days I was on my PMS, feeling horrible. Because it doesn't matter how thin, pretty, smart you're, you always look fatal on your PMS. Girl are you agree with me ?
But now that's in the past, for this month. I feel pretty again, so I take some random photo booth shoots

Besides I really wanted to show off my new choker necklace

Yesterday I was downloading music and I start to looking for some things that I haven't listening in a very long time.
It's been a while since the last time that I listen Nitzer Ebb
or Formalin, I remember that I used to listen this all day when I was myspace addict
They have making some good tracks since 2009, both of them, so now that I discover how to download music (again) I will listen more music from my own list, I was sick of listen music on youtube
My new set (s)Aint is queued for March 21
I hate waiting, but is worth it I really love this photo shoot
I have a Twitter account now
Kisses, peace, good parties and quality sex for all of you guys !!!
Terrox out