College attacks again !!

I am very happy with the results, I promise some photos of the real clothes

I made this lovely vest with cucas on the back

and now my partner and I are thinking on doing this one with little joints on the back

Marilyn Manson on Saturday, I adore my mom, she is going to buy me the ticket, I such a momma's girl but the girls who knows me on real life all ready know that hahahah
I am happy as fuck Miss Kittin is coming on November 16, I love her since I was 14 years old
and yes I was a "Party Monster" fan too hahahahha but I think that you can imagine that
So I am ready for dancing like a stupid
I think that Miss Kittin is the reason way I think that Mother fuckers are so nice
In other news :
Oma and me are going to rock on LV this winter (summer on Chile)
new year's eves on Las Vegas
I have a Twitter account now
Kisses, peace, good parties and quality sex for all of you guys !!!
Terrox out.