I have been really sleepy these last days, I think that is the exhausting accumulated from this year. But I need to do an effort to finish this year, at least a better ending than the last one, don`t you think?

Today is election`s day here on Chile, as you imagine I don`t vote, because I am just too shallow for knowing about politics, I defined myself as a apolitical person. Besides I woke up with the worse hangover of the month, besides yesterday I went to a friend`s party and I stay there so this morning was a hell, because public transport was more lame than usual and I was walking at 8 AM with this sun on my face
and I take a picture of my face evading the dawn as a true vampire
Now I am lying on my bed seeing "The Amazing Spider Man" for the second time and I just realize that Black Cat is never gonna be on the movies because the character of Felicia Hardy is not gonna be there
she is far away the most lovely Spiderman`s girlfriend don`t you think? I used to think that Gwen Stacy was Black Cat, but I remember that in the series her name was Felicia, if you have read my profile you know that I don`t read and that includes comic books, but still think that are cool.
I have a Twitter account now
Kisses, peace, good parties and quality sex for all of you guys !!!
Terrox out.
P.S: Talena, Atomic and me are waiting for Halloween so much