Hi SG lovely people!
Terrox is lazy again

this was kind of Party Hard Weekend. This friday I went to a Gothic Party on Caupolican theater, this was the party after of the concert of Peter Murphy, so it was very cool. I found Noidd there having a great time with her friends.
This party finished at 4 am, it was kind of early to me and my friends so we went to a house for continue our fun, the thing is that I stop at the 8 am and this was the result:

wasted Terrox.
On Saturday I went to Atomic`s house for having a great time, we eat some chicken with mushrooms and paprika (the google translator says that is the english word for "pimentn"). We drink mojitos and borgoa. Atomic and her boyfriend are excellent cooks and bartenders so you can imagine my satisfaction face with all those delicious things. They also give me two movies on dvd that I have not seen all ready.
Today is Pia`s birthday, so you must give her your good wishes


I am very happy with her Front Page from yesterday, well done girl you really deserved it

Today I wanna eat Chinese food, I dream about it yesterday and I woke up like a pregnant women
I think that I miss so much Panda Express

and music that represents myself
Thanks again for all your comments on my set "Till Dead"
But please still voting, the T&T Team want to be on Front Page and do more fun sets and show more boobies on the internet
Terrox is lazy again

this was kind of Party Hard Weekend. This friday I went to a Gothic Party on Caupolican theater, this was the party after of the concert of Peter Murphy, so it was very cool. I found Noidd there having a great time with her friends.
This party finished at 4 am, it was kind of early to me and my friends so we went to a house for continue our fun, the thing is that I stop at the 8 am and this was the result:

wasted Terrox.
On Saturday I went to Atomic`s house for having a great time, we eat some chicken with mushrooms and paprika (the google translator says that is the english word for "pimentn"). We drink mojitos and borgoa. Atomic and her boyfriend are excellent cooks and bartenders so you can imagine my satisfaction face with all those delicious things. They also give me two movies on dvd that I have not seen all ready.
Today is Pia`s birthday, so you must give her your good wishes


I am very happy with her Front Page from yesterday, well done girl you really deserved it

Today I wanna eat Chinese food, I dream about it yesterday and I woke up like a pregnant women

I think that I miss so much Panda Express

and music that represents myself
Thanks again for all your comments on my set "Till Dead"

But please still voting, the T&T Team want to be on Front Page and do more fun sets and show more boobies on the internet


I love this set! and your jacket! you are beautiful!
