But the principal reason is that: You can express your self in your on ways, or naked if you prefer and you want to make money
Let me talk you about my thoughts lately:
I have been designing some stuffs for college:
I know that this ones are not what you were expecting coming from me, but guess what: I really adore the "Jackie O" style and now I have to design to an elegant, rich, grown up, professional and classy lady, so I decided that this is the perfect clothes for her.
If this project were for me I probably do something like this bag that I wanna send to sew some day when I make the pattern:
Yeah I am not really an early adopter of the trends but I rescue some classics of the past that can be useful on these days.
I hate the concept : Fashion designer and I prefer been called Wardrobe Designer, because I do not do fashion I design clothes, I kind of give a fuck Vogue magazine but I love clothes and go shopping. Clothes make me happy in other levels.
I found this photo on the past year because I was looking photos of zombie boy that is like the Anti-Fashion model, or maybe Discord's apple of the Fashion world
and I found that awful withe shit that looks like a HUGE plastic bag, I do not know who is the designer and I really do not care a shit, but any way I make art of that horrible thing
If they can call that thing "art" I can call my collage "The Best piece of Modern Art".
June 17.