welll i broke down on the no booze purchasing thing. its just like when i tried to give up jerking off for lent 5 years in a row, i would make it 2 weeks and that would be the end of it. the sump pumps have calculated out the number of shows for next month, and it turns out we will be playing more than working, so i am selling a bunch of synth epquipment on the ebay (feel free to buy it!) i want pajama pants, i'm sick of sleeping in the same clothes i wore yesterday.. love is a suckers game, dont buy into it, unless the person is totally badass........ but even then be wary, use a system of emotional barriers to protect yourself from getting hurt, not only will you be totally detached from ay real commitment, it makes you have aire of mystique about you that the ladies (or gents) will find fasinating. (yes this could all be bullshit, but i'm sick of the hurt, i'd take the empty for the time being)
see ya on the road, i'll post the tour dates shortly.
your pal
see ya on the road, i'll post the tour dates shortly.
your pal
trust me... god wants to you do it... otherwise it wouldn't feel so good.