School is going to be great. I'm taking a full load. Anthropology 101, Writing 101 (English 101 equivalent), and Math 099 (Algebra II). I tried to pick a few I would like, a good way to start back I thought.
Been fighting with Frankie for the past week though. After argument #3 he said he got it. Totally understood where I was coming from ... we'll see. I hope he does. Tired of this crap.
My birthday was uneventful: work, school, work, fought with Frankie, went out and had wine and buffalo wings. AND let me just say, wine and buffalo wings, not a good combination.
We saw Brad Paisley at the Puyallup Fair this last Saturday. Let me tell you, that man can play some serious guitar. A lot of artists, play rhythm and sing, after hearing him live, he plays all of the lead. WOW. Even if you hate country, he is worth hearing. Plus, he sang this song about how if you really love a woman you'll put the toilet seat down. That's the kind of shit you come up with when you're drunk at three a.m. on a tour bus. Plus, he's hot.
Been fighting with Frankie for the past week though. After argument #3 he said he got it. Totally understood where I was coming from ... we'll see. I hope he does. Tired of this crap.
My birthday was uneventful: work, school, work, fought with Frankie, went out and had wine and buffalo wings. AND let me just say, wine and buffalo wings, not a good combination.
We saw Brad Paisley at the Puyallup Fair this last Saturday. Let me tell you, that man can play some serious guitar. A lot of artists, play rhythm and sing, after hearing him live, he plays all of the lead. WOW. Even if you hate country, he is worth hearing. Plus, he sang this song about how if you really love a woman you'll put the toilet seat down. That's the kind of shit you come up with when you're drunk at three a.m. on a tour bus. Plus, he's hot.

Been so busy I forgot to say happy birthday. So Happy Birthday! I'm glad to hear you're enjoying school. I start tomorrow.

Still want to go out saturday night to that jazz thing? I dont really know anything about jazz but it seems like fun. I have been knitting my ass off cause my friend avis and I are going to sell our shit at a bazzar soon. WOOT to bad i can only make scarves and barely make hats. How are you and the man doing?? Any better. Give me a call sorry i wasnt very talkative the other day i was getting my hair coloured and couldnt put the phone all the way up to my ear. Talk to you soon. HUGS