Still here. New quarter's going fine. Working is fine. Generally, I love the job.
Frankie's not going to ship out this tour. Actually, it looks like they're sending half his unit home by July (halfway through the tour). They have nothing to do. It'll be nice to have them all home. Frankie might actually be able to ETS. So, we're talking about moving to Arizona....
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Frankie's not going to ship out this tour. Actually, it looks like they're sending half his unit home by July (halfway through the tour). They have nothing to do. It'll be nice to have them all home. Frankie might actually be able to ETS. So, we're talking about moving to Arizona....
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Finals are over. Tuition is paid. Three day break from any of my jobs. *deep breath*
Finals went fine. I think I got an A in anthropology. My teacher emailed me and said I got an A. I don't know if she meant on the final or in the class. I had a high A- in the class and I think if I got an...
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Finals went fine. I think I got an A in anthropology. My teacher emailed me and said I got an A. I don't know if she meant on the final or in the class. I had a high A- in the class and I think if I got an...
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congrats on finishing up the semester, sounds like you'll be making some decent cash over the break, at Applebees no less, should be interesting. i'm always fascinated with what goes on behind the scenes of places like that and Chilis...I miss the restaurant business. How's the sexy nanny business these days?
Having a nice relaxing long weekend. Had dinner yesterday at my dad's house. So, no cooking and no fridge full of leftovers for us. Put up our tree and christmas decorations when we got home. It's one of my favorite things about the whole season. Slept great last night and I'd like to attribute that to the Christmas lights on the banister. Going to make...
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Hey you, I been busy with work. Joy joy how you been? I cut and dyed my hair today. Its really super short kinda and black then i got some really short bangs i also got my nose re pierced loving life hope your doing well
Things have been awesome with Frankie and me lately. This is a really good thing. I don't know what else to say about it. I'm just really happy.
We hung around the house on Friday, had pizza, and goofed around.
I went out to Jake's last night with Erica and her boyfriend. They fought cause he didn't feel like hanging around in a smokey bar...
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We hung around the house on Friday, had pizza, and goofed around.
I went out to Jake's last night with Erica and her boyfriend. They fought cause he didn't feel like hanging around in a smokey bar...
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Hey how you doing? I been working five days a week. the discounts are awsome tho so it makes it worth my while how have you been?
I am working at Old Navy in the Tacoma mall. I got this friends and family invitation so you can recieve 20% off if you might be interested. its 20% off your purchase at old navy and its regular priced and clearance priced items. Durring the week of Nov 28th to dec 4th let me know if you want one. I might be going to seattle on the 19th to the Premier or something like that some club up there for Girl for Girl night. I am excited. My kids are doing well the girls went to their dads for the weekend. and the baby and my son are doing well. Jeramie took leave just for the hell of it. Where you looking for a job at?
Went to dinner with my little sister on Friday night. Thai food at Mekong in downtown Oly. Was great fun.
Went out with Frankie and co. later Friday night. Sucked at the beginning, but improved substantially. Actually had a great time. One boy brought out his new "girlfriend" (he's been seperated for like three weeks. So, I wonder how serious everyone took that) she was...
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Went out with Frankie and co. later Friday night. Sucked at the beginning, but improved substantially. Actually had a great time. One boy brought out his new "girlfriend" (he's been seperated for like three weeks. So, I wonder how serious everyone took that) she was...
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I should probably update more often. When I look at the things I write and think "gee, that actually turned out really well," it's probably time to update.
The night that I wrote about in my last post (where I was invited, then disinvited to babysite), I was reinvited to be the designated driver. So, I went and it was a great time. I won...
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The night that I wrote about in my last post (where I was invited, then disinvited to babysite), I was reinvited to be the designated driver. So, I went and it was a great time. I won...
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Yo girlfriend I am so wanting to go to a gay bar and go dancing maybe find me a girl for the night LOL. Know any good places to go? We sold Harleigh today to a lady who lives in Randal washington. They own two dairy farms and she barrel races. I think she will enjoy herself there. Let me know whats up ttys.
you have a sweet smile.
doing anything fun this weekend?
doing anything fun this weekend?
My dog has gone buck wild the past few days. Yesterday he shit in the house ...
... the one room in the house that I put my body (my face!) on the carpet, and he shits in there. I was boiling. I had to go rent a rug doctor and steam clean the carpets. Today, he destroyed my favorite pair of black mary jane...
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poor woman. if ya need to get away let me know. I have been walking harliegh every day for just over a mile. hopeing that will help with her hyperactivity well give me a call if ya wanna talk talk to you soon
well darn its 515 and i am sure your on your way out to the drag thing. I feel like a dumb ass cause i thought for sure you said jazz show not drag show part of being deaf i guess. anyways i would have to pass on this one anyways cause my husband dont get off work untill 7pm so i have to stay home and watch my kids. wish i could join ya tho sounds like fun. Hugs
School is going to be great. I'm taking a full load. Anthropology 101, Writing 101 (English 101 equivalent), and Math 099 (Algebra II). I tried to pick a few I would like, a good way to start back I thought.
Been fighting with Frankie for the past week though. After argument #3 he said he got it. Totally understood where I was coming from ......
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Been fighting with Frankie for the past week though. After argument #3 he said he got it. Totally understood where I was coming from ......
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Been so busy I forgot to say happy birthday. So Happy Birthday! I'm glad to hear you're enjoying school. I start tomorrow.
Still want to go out saturday night to that jazz thing? I dont really know anything about jazz but it seems like fun. I have been knitting my ass off cause my friend avis and I are going to sell our shit at a bazzar soon. WOOT to bad i can only make scarves and barely make hats. How are you and the man doing?? Any better. Give me a call sorry i wasnt very talkative the other day i was getting my hair coloured and couldnt put the phone all the way up to my ear. Talk to you soon. HUGS
Trying to get the house clean before this weekend. I start school next week, and I don't know how much time I'll have during the week to tidy up. So, I'm trying to just get it done. That way I can have the weekend free to just relax.
Frankie and I have been talking about getting a puppy. I was going to wait until next...
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Frankie and I have been talking about getting a puppy. I was going to wait until next...
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happy birthday

Happy Birthday! Are you still up for having harliegh this weekend give me a call tonight and let me know. Well if your not to busy that is. We gotta go to oregon on saturday so we can still drop her off. Just let me know. My hubby got a Vasectomy today so he is laying on the couch and will be home so actually call whenever you want to Hugs Thanks for taking me out I needed to get out and that was fun. TTYL
Work is good. I was a little apprehensive at first. I thought I would love the kids and just get along with the parents. It turned out quite the opposite. I love the parents, they're great. It's the kids that I just get along with. They're both good kids. It will just be a little bit of adjustment. The little boy is twelve years old,...
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lol sounds like your having lotss of fun i am enjoying being a mom of 4 kids keeps me really busy. hey you know anyone who wants to buy a great dane? i gotta sell mine cause she is to big for us right now and keeps knocking the kids down good dog just to big.
Scramble to buy textbooks today. Exciting and tedious. Here I go.
I just moved here recently... you look somewhat normal... well normal to me...