well iam back for another year, its been awhile... so whats up
hey hey
i moved a couple weeks ago, and i just got the internet the other day... SO iam back!
Now i just need a job, so i can keep SG
i moved a couple weeks ago, and i just got the internet the other day... SO iam back!
Now i just need a job, so i can keep SG
well guys, as of right now i only have 4 bucks left in my checking acount, and i still have no job... looks like i have to cancel my SG... once i get a job i should be back if not... UglyCasa is my AIM...
it was neato
it was neato
well i broke the complete news about me moving to one of my friends today, he was more concerned on wether or not i was going to let him keep using my old computer than anything else... what a dickface, now on to the hard friend... i have been putting this off to long. Wish me luck
I put that as my first choice if I have to change it, actually.
ya daaaaaamn right.
you're online! and i would im you but i have to run.
you're online! and i would im you but i have to run.
iam undecided, iam a divider not a uniter... my girlie is out of town, and iam confused, iam moving in a week but iam denying to all my friends. Am i afraid of what happened last time will happen again. yeah, iam absolutely frightened and very timorous of whats going to become of this...
how do i solve this? beer and rock and roll, its...
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how do i solve this? beer and rock and roll, its...
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Actually yes something new! I just learned today (coincidentally) that your username is from the lead singer of Modest Mouse (blanking on his name)'s other band. Which now I'm really psyched to try to find and listen to.
Good luck wiht your move, beer and rock n roll will help, rock on friend.
Good luck wiht your move, beer and rock n roll will help, rock on friend.
Membership issue - now explained in bottom of post
I always comment on my own journals when i mean to update, oh well... Well i keep having bad dreams, and they kind of go in series. In the first dream i found out m g/f was cheating on me with her friend, then i beat the shit out of him.. The last one i had someone vandalized my car in my dream world work...
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today was a busy day at work, man iam tired... and a little buzzed
just following in the old mans foot steps and drinking a couple cool ones after a days work
so what, some people say cucumbers taste better pickled.
just following in the old mans foot steps and drinking a couple cool ones after a days work
so what, some people say cucumbers taste better pickled.
Still looking for the Globe? The address is 1531 14th Ave. It's easy to miss, but if you've been there before you shouldn't have a problem. I've been there once, but I haven't eaten there. We ordered, and all the food coming out looked REALLY good, but they completely lost our order. We discovered this after waiting for at least 30 min, and we so starved by then we just left and went to Julia's. They have an excellent tofu scramble, if you've never had it.
yes finally a day off tomarrow, iam thinking about busting out my Millionaires pool(aka my rockin kiddie pool) and layin about all day!
If you have never seen or read the Devils Dictionary... you should check it out, its an awesome book for the wity political mind
Hello yourself, new friend!
Not much new here, got a speeding ticket the other day
Hello yourself, new friend!
Not much new here, got a speeding ticket the other day

Uhhh 71 in a 55....it's $134 which sucks ASS naturally but hopefully since I'm 18 I can just pay it off myself and my mom will never know...hopefully I'll be paying it off with $300 from Suicide Girls...
Do what now?
Okey dokey, color me down!
And damn righ bitching is my prerogative! Now I just have to make everyone else see it that way...
And damn righ bitching is my prerogative! Now I just have to make everyone else see it that way...
man life is rough, and so are relationships... so many decisions so many sacrifices
back to working on cars tomarrow, man iam getting really sick of it