I'm always disheartened when the whole "I'm bourgeouis because I have an iPod" thing comes up. We're surrounded by technology and embracing higher levels of it all the time. It's like saying in the 90's, I won't buy CD's, I'll only have tapes because CD's are bourgeouis. Well, tapes suck. They break and don't last long. And carrying six cd cases PLUS your portable CD player on the train or bus sucks, too. Having an iPod doesn't instantly make you bourgeouis and having a junker car doesn't instantly make you a proletariat. It makes you a hard working young person who happens to have the right circumstances to get an iPod (and is also a devoted music lover) and not have the right circumstances to get a nicer car.
Sheesh, people. Just enjoy the freakin' weekend, and good fortune when it comes to you!!!
Sheesh, people. Just enjoy the freakin' weekend, and good fortune when it comes to you!!!

yes, my ipod fit very comfortably in my 1988 volvo station wagon. well, until the wagon died on the 134 fwy at 1am