Any sort of dogpark is self-inflicted torture for me. I should say before I begin, please forego (is that how you spell that?) any canine advice on this matter because nothing you say will change how I feel about it. The point is, confident as I am in the training she has thus acquired, I still can't bear to release Mads off the Gentle Leader. It's like being in the passenger seat on the 405- yeah sure you're a good driver, but what about the other three thousand people zooming by? We went to Runyon Canyon today for the first time and I think she thought I had brought her into some doggie-purgatory; "look at all these new friends, mom! why the fuck is everyone allowed to run amuck but me?!?" I guess I understand now all those times my mom said, as liberal as she was, "just a liiiiiitle bit older, sweetie."
awww...i want want want a doggie.