I made it into the show! I'm going to be in a group show next month!
another dream: riding a motorcycle down Dixie Highway, I drive to the old house on Water St. and instead of the house, my grandparents old traveling trailer, with the guts all ripped out. A man drives up in an old van and somehow I know he is the new tenant. In the passengers seat, a curly haired teenage boy, between them a decomposing corpse. The...
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146 steps from the mezzanine to my apartment. And that's actual steps, not action steps. Fur coat, lipring, mesh shirt, ta tas, and one I can't describe but also didn't return my greeting. There's sexy and sultry and melancholy. Then there's breaking your shoe on the way to an interview, walking into potted plants and locking yourself out of other people's homes. It's an allegory...
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My new photograph is in honor of all Angelenos right now. Those of us who are grumpy and weary of three weeks of rain, and those of us who loved the rain because it was a perfect excuse to wear those designer winter duds in the back of our closests until we realized they actually had to get wet if we were going to sport...
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I was actually jolted awake today by the sound of thunder. How rad is that? Carmen is furious with me because I moved his food bowl, however being a cat he doesn't understand that Maddie plowed through almost his entire bag of diet food.

School on Monday-and I am going to be an art soldier this term. In the meantime, it's off to the gallery...
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simple pleasures- feeding my dog her favorite foods, finding five or ten bucks in my jeans pocket when I'm broke and fiending the Crack Bean, planting cat grass and then watching it immediately after for signs of growth. This is why we're all here, folks. Not to buy diamonds and drive Hummers. Take a deep breath with me.

Also, I now MUST attempt to get...
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the next thing that MUST be knitted are mittens. I'm freezing right now! Why am I freezing in SantafrickenMonica?!?

we actually meet in a cocktail lounge, too! We meet every other tuesday night at Cafe Bliss in Los Feliz Village on Vermont at Franklin. it would be nice to meet another displaced michigander- I'm from Downriver Detroit.
i forgot to say 8pm-- and the next one is Jan. 11th
im going to the erotic museum for new years and I am supa dupa excited!
my picture is from stellamarrs.com
they are the bestest (I don't want to go bogarting anyone's creative property.)
sometimes i'm painfully nostalgic for Detroit- it's strange how I can have such contempt for a state, green and lovely and expansive- yet have such a crush on the city- abandonded and rebuilding at the same time, a monolith, broken but not beaten. Somehow it always kept the bad out for me- nothing bad ever happened to me in the city; I pine for it....
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