note to self: remember when purchasing hard to find mini pins on ebay, not to get excited about winning one for a dime. The reason you won of course, is you were the only one stupid enough to overlook the three dollar shipping charge for a button that marks in about a half an ounce. At least I got a couple rad Yo La Tengo...
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Ahh...you're making the same mistake I made when I started here. When you respond to someone's entry in your journal, you respond in their journal, and not your own. No worries. Like I said, did the same thing myself.

You should probably read through some of my old journal entries to figure out why I'm not working the nine to five. smile

i shall remember that next time.

edited to say: You're cat is cute. He looks just like mine.

[Edited on Mar 16, 2005 9:40PM]
so the bank charges you a bunk overdraft fee and then while you are scrambling to take care of th unexpected (and BUNK) fee by getting an emergency check from your new boss, they charge you another fee. And so you call them to report the overall bunk deal and of course the guy on the phone says "no porblemo," in more bank-y terminology of...
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so at this point I'm pretty drunk. I applied for a travel grant to make work in Iceland and I didn't get it and I had made the fatal mistake of getting my hopes up.
not that this turn of events makes me doubt in any way my abilites as an artist but makes me consider, however, the turn of events away from medicine and...
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so the motherfucker who stole my bike PUT THAT SHIT BACK!!!! He/she ripped down my sassy note in the mailroom exposing that it was definitely some affliliate of my building and put my damn bike right back where they got it from. I just had to share that with y'all- since someone out there was reading this and was concerned. LA never ceases to amaze...
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You talked up your website, but you forgot one important detail--the actual web address. Unless I'm an idiot and I'm somehow overlooking it--which is completely possible.

I'm glad you got your bike back. Getting shit stolen is a horrible feeling. You feel so f'in violated. I actually caught a burglar in my apartment once, but confronting someone in the act isn't all that much better. Although you'd really like your brain to switch immediately into the "kick ass" mode, it ultimately lapses into the default "please don't kill me" mode.

Anyway...I digresss. I will continue to check out your journal. You now have one loyal reader.
Okay, if I'm gonna check it out...you have to keep updating it! smile
my bike was stolen on valentine's day
Shitty. Hope you got yourself some new wheels. And sorry you haven't had anyone dropping by your journal. The injustice!
"don't you hate it when people talk about your shit like their shit's the shit when really they make shitty shit?"

that's not mine, folks. truth is stranger than fiction.
my opening was last night for the "Women Artists and Altered Bodies" group show at the Verle Annis Gallery. There was my sculpture, two videos, one animation, two photo series, a performance art piece and three speakers. My work consisted of all the appliances in my house wired to a remote switch (a converted light switch with a battery pack) that when activated would start...
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Iceland. Paris. Detroit. Boston. Kentucky. Los Angeles.