Everyone has that one thing in life that they take especially good care of. Regardless of how abstract or inconsequential it may seem to you at the time (who I am sure has their own personal comforts that may not be too logical) it should be respected. There are years of experiences, socialization, upbringing and feelings that we could just never know about each other...
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Today is supa dupa. I am getting all kinds of cool shit accomplished. And even though I locked myself out (again) I got the blinds fixed in the process. GO ME!
a house is just a box in which we live, and nothing more.
but, this surely ain't the case.
but, this surely ain't the case.
Re-reading my journal lately, I noticed I kinda sound like a manic-depressive. Anywa, I'm not. I'm really a decently happy person, I swear. However, I am going to post this one last pissy (and lengthy) post about housing just to finish off the bad vibes, exorcise the demons and whatnot. So sorry about this.
the hunt
I've been afraid to write about this for reasons...
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the hunt
I've been afraid to write about this for reasons...
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good traffic is like good sex. At least when you're coming from Inglewood to Downtown at five pm on a Friday. I'm serious, we were like, the only people on the freeway. Is there something going down I don't know about?!?!?!
Tomorrow. Tuesday. I turn over a new leaf. Dammit.
some one so young that likes Monk. Rare.
Turning over a new leaf out of frustration, boredome? Don't take it so hard you're still growing
some one so young that likes Monk. Rare.
Turning over a new leaf out of frustration, boredome? Don't take it so hard you're still growing
Greg Osby, incredibly versitile, brooding, and deep...
the album Night call is modern, introspective while the album St. Louis Shoes is like a rebirth of hard bop. or be bop.
Ooops there i go, geekin again.
Join the jazz group, there's a lot of good recomendations out and its a good refuge from all the silliness of some of SG.
[Edited on Apr 05, 2005 9:57PM]
the album Night call is modern, introspective while the album St. Louis Shoes is like a rebirth of hard bop. or be bop.
Ooops there i go, geekin again.
Join the jazz group, there's a lot of good recomendations out and its a good refuge from all the silliness of some of SG.
[Edited on Apr 05, 2005 9:57PM]
Okay, so KaiKai KiKi.
I just can't really get into the idea of art proteges, or art factories for that matter. Though if you read any Murakami, it's actually super keen and provocative in his relationship with Japanese culture and Otaku. But none the less, I dunno. I just wasn't feeling it.
THEN Aya Takano. So unexpected. So amazing. I am in love. I...
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I just can't really get into the idea of art proteges, or art factories for that matter. Though if you read any Murakami, it's actually super keen and provocative in his relationship with Japanese culture and Otaku. But none the less, I dunno. I just wasn't feeling it.
THEN Aya Takano. So unexpected. So amazing. I am in love. I...
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"In a place far away from anyone or anywhere, I drifted off for a moment."
Murakami is a fav!
"In a place far away from anyone or anywhere, I drifted off for a moment."
Murakami is a fav!
nostalgia for vactions past and gone
best part of my place: the view and the light
worst part of my place: the sound
There are normal fire truck sounds that may or may not wake you up; they are loud and usually sound like a long whining with intermitten honking sounds. You can hear them anywhere and they are just loud: whether you live in the heart of the city or...
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worst part of my place: the sound
There are normal fire truck sounds that may or may not wake you up; they are loud and usually sound like a long whining with intermitten honking sounds. You can hear them anywhere and they are just loud: whether you live in the heart of the city or...
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You poor little thing.. we had a little earthquake here and I freaked out (also in bed at the time).. but no fire trucks!! It must be really annoying! Did you just move there??
today I went to pick up the camera and my friend said, "do you want to hear my manifesto?" Basically for her, it came down to Jeff Koons making his own art instead of paying other people to do it for him. She said, "what about you? you have a website, right? you should post your manifesto on your website."
I think I will. I...
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I think I will. I...
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...I think I've just been having a slow week...
hatin' on the Heels?... shame shame Sista
feel da love... touch da balls
feel da love... touch da balls
SO my question today is, where do all the normal people in LA live? Has it really taken me over three years only to learn that I can't afford to live in the city? Why is downtown only affordable for rich yuppies who want to live "artistically" or homeless people? Where is the middle ground? Why are there only tenements and luxury penthouses? Why is...
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Well, I'm normal. But, then again, I've only lived here for 4 months.
As far as the lack of affordable housing in L.A., it seems very similar to NYC in that there is no room for the middle class. You either have to be extremely wealthy or extremely poor/young to be content with your living arrangements. The weathly, needless to say, can get whatever they want, and cash-strapped young artists/students a) don't know what their missing; and b) sort of revel in their squalor.
That said, at least NYC has local satellite neighborhoods that are still affordable and commutable. It used to be Brooklyn, but that's pretty much blown up and been assimilated into the city's price scheme...now it's Jersey City, which is the Jersey equivalent of Brooklyn (one train stop across one river).
LA doesn't seem to have anything comparable, perhaps because it's so spread out.
Now let me go edit this for spelling 14 times...
[Edited on Mar 25, 2005 12:34PM]
[Edited on Mar 25, 2005 12:34PM]
As far as the lack of affordable housing in L.A., it seems very similar to NYC in that there is no room for the middle class. You either have to be extremely wealthy or extremely poor/young to be content with your living arrangements. The weathly, needless to say, can get whatever they want, and cash-strapped young artists/students a) don't know what their missing; and b) sort of revel in their squalor.
That said, at least NYC has local satellite neighborhoods that are still affordable and commutable. It used to be Brooklyn, but that's pretty much blown up and been assimilated into the city's price scheme...now it's Jersey City, which is the Jersey equivalent of Brooklyn (one train stop across one river).
LA doesn't seem to have anything comparable, perhaps because it's so spread out.
Now let me go edit this for spelling 14 times...
[Edited on Mar 25, 2005 12:34PM]
[Edited on Mar 25, 2005 12:34PM]
need a roomie? lol.
Any sort of dogpark is self-inflicted torture for me. I should say before I begin, please forego (is that how you spell that?) any canine advice on this matter because nothing you say will change how I feel about it. The point is, confident as I am in the training she has thus acquired, I still can't bear to release Mads off the Gentle Leader....
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awww...i want want want a doggie.
this morning I woke up at five to set up the videocamera at the foot of the bed and record the process of the sun rising and the two of us as we begin our day. Unluckily for him, he slept in the nude, and now my entire experimental video class will see his little tooshy. If I weren't one, I don't think I could...
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thank you for your kind words.
and i adore my kitty.
and i adore my kitty.
New doggy pic in today's journal. Thought it only proper to alert my fellow puppy freak.