- on terribleshy's page
thank you so much for all your birthday wishes!!!
and thanks for the congrats on my upcoming set- I will surely keep you all posted!
In the meantime, you can go be friends with my new profile because I just cancelled this one and it is going to come down soon...I will try to find you guys as well
Now just one more day of...
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and thanks for the congrats on my upcoming set- I will surely keep you all posted!
In the meantime, you can go be friends with my new profile because I just cancelled this one and it is going to come down soon...I will try to find you guys as well

Now just one more day of...
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Hooray for me! I'm a suicide girl! Say goodbye to terribleshy and say hello to KayLiane...my set isn't up yet (I don't know yet when it will post) but you should go be my friend in the meantime! 

Wow. Happy birthday. what a cool thing to happen for your birthday. Looking forward to your set.
happy birthday. and yes, I will be your friend.
Birthdays are rad. I, for one, am headed to the KOA.
Today while wandering around fussing with errands, I encountered the same individual three times. I was in areas I frequent often and have been doing so for over a year, and I have never seen or met this individual before. Yet each time our paths crossed, they looked at me as if trying to recollect my name but remembering my face. And then they looked...
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Not to concern you: just Body Snatchers.

I'm always disheartened when the whole "I'm bourgeouis because I have an iPod" thing comes up. We're surrounded by technology and embracing higher levels of it all the time. It's like saying in the 90's, I won't buy CD's, I'll only have tapes because CD's are bourgeouis. Well, tapes suck. They break and don't last long. And carrying six cd cases PLUS your portable CD...
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yes, my ipod fit very comfortably in my 1988 volvo station wagon. well, until the wagon died on the 134 fwy at 1am

the older I get the more challenging it becomes to articulate my true feelings to others.
Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?
Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?
For some reason I have been feeling the same way and it should be the other way around, at least that's what seems to make more sense.
i think life's lessons over time create a sense of humility in those of us who are open to continued learning.
fumbling is a part of the process
fumbling is a part of the process

One time my friend said, "just because someone likes Donny Darko it doesn't make them cool."
That goes for Neil Young's Harvest, too.
And the next person who disses music with the charming quip "I'ts too poppy for someone like me" is gonna get a smack.
Here's a thought: stop defining ones' self with the shit one "likes" (or feels like they think they should...
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That goes for Neil Young's Harvest, too.
And the next person who disses music with the charming quip "I'ts too poppy for someone like me" is gonna get a smack.
Here's a thought: stop defining ones' self with the shit one "likes" (or feels like they think they should...
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i havent even seen donnie darko and im super cool!

6:07 pm. Car is not blocked in today; oh joy! A clean getaway!
iPod? Check. Sunglasses? Check. Altoids? Check. Phone-ringer back on, in a reachable place so as to minimize driving interference? Check. Roll down both windows- get the air moving since the damn air conditioning is broken. Finally. Going home.
Fuck the freeway. It's like cutting your own feet off at the ankles.
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iPod? Check. Sunglasses? Check. Altoids? Check. Phone-ringer back on, in a reachable place so as to minimize driving interference? Check. Roll down both windows- get the air moving since the damn air conditioning is broken. Finally. Going home.
Fuck the freeway. It's like cutting your own feet off at the ankles.
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I got your e-mail, I figure you'd call if and when you still wanted to do this. I'm booked Thursday but the rest of the week is pretty open. I'm still interested.
I love naps, baths and eating. If these were Olympic events I'd be the gold medalist in the triathalon.
I love naps, baths and eating. If these were Olympic events I'd be the gold medalist in the triathalon.
i read your article. i was impressed. i like the way you look at the art and talk about it. i like the subject matter too. i live in london and am always complaining about the lack of nature, but now i feel inspired to view things in a different way.
do you do much journalism of this sort? how did you get into this topic? was it a one-off or just a free-lance opportunity kind of thing? (forgive me if i;ve already asked you these things, i can't remember).
do you do much journalism of this sort? how did you get into this topic? was it a one-off or just a free-lance opportunity kind of thing? (forgive me if i;ve already asked you these things, i can't remember).
Pat and Cory sittin' in a tree
gettin M-A-R-R-I-E-D
gettin M-A-R-R-I-E-D
weddings are so pooy.
(late reply, i haven't logged into this site in awhile) -- i shot the floral pics with my canon digital rebel. telephoto lens.
so here's a thought for my faux-band on MySpace:
I was riding in the car today and since the sweetheart was driving he had control over the radio and thus KROQ (BWAHHHHH) was on and what do my ears behold?
The new Motley Crue.
So how about a Motley Crue tribute band called Motley Nue and it can be an all chick band and I'll...
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I was riding in the car today and since the sweetheart was driving he had control over the radio and thus KROQ (BWAHHHHH) was on and what do my ears behold?
The new Motley Crue.
So how about a Motley Crue tribute band called Motley Nue and it can be an all chick band and I'll...
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this week I met my third lawyer that wants to leave it all behind and start a new life full of art and/or music. Literally, quit their jobs at x and y firm and hit the streets seeking graphic design jobs, gallery internships, live band gigs and artist assistantships (is that even a word? Maybe I just spelled it incorrectly-assistanceships?)
is being a lawyer just...
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is being a lawyer just...
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having been blessed with a life in which I have been always able to pursue my art, I will say this about "civilians" who dream about the life... yes, we artists live our life below the "Hummer" income level... yes, we are often seen as the fringe freaks of society... yes, we are often seen as emotionally & socially unstable... yes, we are often not noticed or "valued" until after we are dead...
but, we live our lives in the service of creating beauty & truth... for this reason, what we do is unique in this world... plus it's alot of fun on the good days... kinda like living your life on permanent playtime mode... & we may not get more booty but we get better booty
oh.. and I would have totally gotten you in for the show... sorry I didn't make the offer before
love & lollies
but, we live our lives in the service of creating beauty & truth... for this reason, what we do is unique in this world... plus it's alot of fun on the good days... kinda like living your life on permanent playtime mode... & we may not get more booty but we get better booty

oh.. and I would have totally gotten you in for the show... sorry I didn't make the offer before
love & lollies
a life i have become accustomed too.
Someone needs to come up with a an internet radio station that only plays music that is suitable for the workplace (won't piss off or annoy your boss and is tolerable at the least for you.) Though I'm not even sure what genre that would be, in my case- since I can't seem to figure out much about my bosses at all...
Which is a...
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Which is a...
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hey Sista.... don't know if yer much of a fan of the modern dance stuff, but if ya are, try to stroll over to REDCAT tonite or tomorrow.... some of my students ' best work is showing... maybe you can even drag yer clasy seetheart along for a classy date... they even searve semi-classy booze at the bar there

8:30 show... not sure about the ticket price... like $20 I think.... kinda pricey but it's a good show