So, I failed my exam last week...not by a whole lot...and there is an opportunity for extra credit in the class that would bring me up to a passing there are four more exams in the class, so hopefully I can still pull off a good grade! My exam this week went MUCH better! Could be a result of the fact that I actually studied for this one!
Next week's exam is an easy one, but I'm planning to study ahead for the week after since a friend of mine will be in town that weekend and I'd like to be able to spend time with her!
I had a pretty shitty day on Tuesday...didn't seem like much for most of the day, but I wound up having a melt down at rugby practice and storming off the pitch. Once I was in my car on the way home I quickly realized that the things at practice that pissed me off so bad were...dumb...which led me to pondering why I was ACTUALLY so upset...I think it was just the combination of all the stress from the week before, and failing an exam. It sucked 'cause usually I'm the type who gets really pissed off, yells and screams and then 15 min later I'm over it...and I can usually tell when I'm upset about something else right away. I went through some pretty dramatic mood swings that night too...anger, sadness, anger, horniness...didn't quite get it...and honestly thought I was having a break down. A friend suggested that I goto the student counsellings center...I thought about it, but I figured I'd just work through it on my own, and if I continued to have trouble then I'd go. Wound up not needing the weekend I was feeling much better!
Rugby this week (with the exception of Tuesday) was great!I got to play fullback for the first time in a game, and I LOVED it! We got our asses handed to us in our game against Tampa Krewe...which sucked...but I enjoyed playing. I had a TON of the older players come up and tell me afterward that it was the best game they'd ever seen me play, and how well I did...which obviously made me feel pretty good! Unfortunately, I had to come out right after the half 'cause of a leg injury. I took someone's shoulder right into my thigh during a tackle and my quad started to spasm on me. Hurt like hell, and I could barely walk for the rest of the evening! Had a good drink-up after the game! Stayed out a little later than I had originally intended...but it was a good time! I actually sorta picked up a girl at the bar...which is something I NEVER do! I'm great at flirting and all...and really enjoy it...but for some reason I usually don't like just starting conversations with strangers, or even people I vaguely know, without a legitimate reason. Maybe I'm over that though, 'cause it felt perfectly natural to just walk up and introduce myself. We had a nice conversation, exchanged phone numbers, and then she had to go back to work. She might come to the rugby tournament this weekend though, so we'll see...
Clearly I'm starting to feel more like my usual self again. It was sorta a rough break-up...but I feel comfortable with the fact that I made the right decision, and I think I can move on. It actually helps that she left school, 'cause at least I don't have to see her all the time and feel awkward. Hopefully in a few more weeks we'll be comfortable enough to actually hang out with friends together again. I'd like to say I'm gonna take my own, and quite a few other people's, advice and NOT get into another relationship...but we'll see how that goes...I'm just a sucker for a cute girl!
I thought I had more...but I guess to the pub!

I had a pretty shitty day on Tuesday...didn't seem like much for most of the day, but I wound up having a melt down at rugby practice and storming off the pitch. Once I was in my car on the way home I quickly realized that the things at practice that pissed me off so bad were...dumb...which led me to pondering why I was ACTUALLY so upset...I think it was just the combination of all the stress from the week before, and failing an exam. It sucked 'cause usually I'm the type who gets really pissed off, yells and screams and then 15 min later I'm over it...and I can usually tell when I'm upset about something else right away. I went through some pretty dramatic mood swings that night too...anger, sadness, anger, horniness...didn't quite get it...and honestly thought I was having a break down. A friend suggested that I goto the student counsellings center...I thought about it, but I figured I'd just work through it on my own, and if I continued to have trouble then I'd go. Wound up not needing the weekend I was feeling much better!
Rugby this week (with the exception of Tuesday) was great!I got to play fullback for the first time in a game, and I LOVED it! We got our asses handed to us in our game against Tampa Krewe...which sucked...but I enjoyed playing. I had a TON of the older players come up and tell me afterward that it was the best game they'd ever seen me play, and how well I did...which obviously made me feel pretty good! Unfortunately, I had to come out right after the half 'cause of a leg injury. I took someone's shoulder right into my thigh during a tackle and my quad started to spasm on me. Hurt like hell, and I could barely walk for the rest of the evening! Had a good drink-up after the game! Stayed out a little later than I had originally intended...but it was a good time! I actually sorta picked up a girl at the bar...which is something I NEVER do! I'm great at flirting and all...and really enjoy it...but for some reason I usually don't like just starting conversations with strangers, or even people I vaguely know, without a legitimate reason. Maybe I'm over that though, 'cause it felt perfectly natural to just walk up and introduce myself. We had a nice conversation, exchanged phone numbers, and then she had to go back to work. She might come to the rugby tournament this weekend though, so we'll see...
Clearly I'm starting to feel more like my usual self again. It was sorta a rough break-up...but I feel comfortable with the fact that I made the right decision, and I think I can move on. It actually helps that she left school, 'cause at least I don't have to see her all the time and feel awkward. Hopefully in a few more weeks we'll be comfortable enough to actually hang out with friends together again. I'd like to say I'm gonna take my own, and quite a few other people's, advice and NOT get into another relationship...but we'll see how that goes...I'm just a sucker for a cute girl!

I thought I had more...but I guess to the pub!