Hey...I've finally got a reason to update!
SWEET party last night at Eponine 's place! It was really nice getting to see all of my SGCO friends again...sorry everyone for being such a girl! I had a blast last night though. I was a little disappointed though that I was still the first person there...I tried SO hard, but at least I wasn't ten minutes early!
But its all ok 'cause I got to watch "Angel" with our lovely hostess, which kicked ass! Once everyone started showing up it was great catching up with all of you crazy SGCO peeps!
I know I met a bunch of new people too, and I promiss I DO remember you...I'm just too lazy right now to figure out everyone's member names. In fact, I'd say about the only down side to the evening that that I REALLY didn't need to see crazy-naked-guy naked...yea...I could have done without that!
I must say though...I can't remember the last time I partied 'till 5am...but it was definately worth it!! In fact...I'd say I had more fun last night then I've had in a hell of a long time!! So suffice to say, I'm gonna try to be around a lot more from now on!
The rest of life is pretty much the same as usual. I'm starting to study for the MCAT and looking at med schools...I'm not fond of the idea of going back to school...but I'm sick of my bosses telling me that I'm thinking too much!
Also, I'm driving my baby sister back up to school at the beginning of September. So I'll be in the Seattle area the 3rd-5th. Unfortunately that means I'm flying back and with our wonderful new flight guidelines I'm just SO excited! Anyway...if anyone has somewhere they want to recomend I go while up there let me know!
SWEET party last night at Eponine 's place! It was really nice getting to see all of my SGCO friends again...sorry everyone for being such a girl! I had a blast last night though. I was a little disappointed though that I was still the first person there...I tried SO hard, but at least I wasn't ten minutes early!

The rest of life is pretty much the same as usual. I'm starting to study for the MCAT and looking at med schools...I'm not fond of the idea of going back to school...but I'm sick of my bosses telling me that I'm thinking too much!

Also, I'm driving my baby sister back up to school at the beginning of September. So I'll be in the Seattle area the 3rd-5th. Unfortunately that means I'm flying back and with our wonderful new flight guidelines I'm just SO excited! Anyway...if anyone has somewhere they want to recomend I go while up there let me know!
typically i woulda been the loud one, but the night previous i had only had a mere 2 hours of sleep.