Well...I've finally settled into my new place. The house is amazing! The neighborhood is wonderful. I bought myself a new bed and frame. It took me about four days to stain the frame (I got it from an unpainted furniture store), but it looks amazing! Its a very dark black cherry stain. I'll try to get a picture up when I can. My only complaint is that my bed room barely has room for my bed, little lone anything else. I'll make it work.
Speaking of work. Work continues as usual. I quit my part-time job at Poudre Valley Hospital EMS. I hadn't worked a shift there for over four months so it made sense. I just got a notice of a job posting for a flight paramedic in Grand Junction. Its a part-time deal, so I could run out there once a month or so and work a couple days/shifts. I don't know.
The relationship front is all quiet. I was seeing a girl up in Greeley, a friend of a friend, well that didn't work out. So now I've got nothing on my plate at all.
Well...guess I'm gonna go start cooking, 'cause that's about all I've got!
Speaking of work. Work continues as usual. I quit my part-time job at Poudre Valley Hospital EMS. I hadn't worked a shift there for over four months so it made sense. I just got a notice of a job posting for a flight paramedic in Grand Junction. Its a part-time deal, so I could run out there once a month or so and work a couple days/shifts. I don't know.
The relationship front is all quiet. I was seeing a girl up in Greeley, a friend of a friend, well that didn't work out. So now I've got nothing on my plate at all.

Well...guess I'm gonna go start cooking, 'cause that's about all I've got!
i was going to interview for my summer fling, but crap!, now it's almost already fall.